diy solar

diy solar

DDP China to Australia with Shenzhen Qishou Technology (Cassie Wang)


New Member
Mar 25, 2022
Have requested a DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) quotation from Cassie Wang at Shenzhen Qishou Technology via Alibaba messenger.

This is the quote.

16 pieces EVE LF280K total price -- USD 1648
Shipping cost - - USD 390
Transportation mode - - DDP
Shipping time - - 55-65 days

DDP to Australia
Total price - - USD 2038

I asked Cassie why there is no Customs Clearance/Duty Fees shown. The response was that this is DDP quotation.

What concerns me is that:
  1. Other threads on this site indicate that DDP is not available to Australia - only DAP (Delivered at Place) meaning I would be responsible for Customs Clearance/Duty of at least 10% GST plus fees.

  2. The USD390 Shipping Cost seems rather low if it includes Customs Clearance/Duty

  3. If I go ahead with what I have been quoted, will it actually turn out to be a DAP quote.

Any thoughts or experience with this scenario?
It will most likely be DDU (Delivered duty unpaid). But I have seen others in AU avoiding customs by getting them in batches of 8 (a day or two apart).
But if they are promising that its DDP, get that in writing on your Alibaba trade assurance order so that you can claim any taxes if you get charged.
It should go through ok. I have had no issues with my 3 battery orders. All came to my door. You just wait a long time before any shipping details pop up. Normally not till it's arrived at Aus port.
I recently ordered some cells (24x 302AH), shipping USD 350, I had to pay around $420 (220 ish GST+ import / customs brokerage fees) on arrival. If you know who the customs/import broker is, they may be able to tell you if you will need to pay additional fees (the seller sent me the details of the import broker and final delivery courier before shipment). The price for shipping does seem low inclusive of fees/GST. Time from order to delivery was approx 2 months, I ended up picking them up from the freight warehouse as they were taking two weeks for the last delivery step (melb-geelong...).