diy solar

diy solar

EG4-LifePower4 + EG4 18k overcharge


New Member
Jan 6, 2022
Hi guys,

I have 6x EG4-LifePower4 (v1 style batteries, but brand new from sigsolar) in a EG4 rack hooked up to the EG4 18k inverter.

I keep seeing the top battery (first battery in set) hitting overcharge and turning off (red light turns on). This is the battery that is closest to the wire from the inverter that charges the batteries and it's also the communication battery for the inverter. This cuts off contact with the inverter and the inverter reports a red battery symbol and battery fault.

More info:
1. All batteries are topped off.
2. There are no loads.
3. If I reset the battery it comes back online and an hour later (exactly) this happens again
4. Solar is plugged in but not actively charging, only charging whenever the inverter decides that it needs to "top off" batteries again
5. At all times the inverter is reporting 99% SOC

I updated firmware on the batteries and the inverter to latest firmware. On my Victron I could tell it to top off at 98% and I never had these kind of issues but I don't see a way to control max charge % limit on EG4 18k

Is this an issue? Ideas?



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Can you have a bus bar and then have equal length cables delivering power to each one?
What firmware are you batteries running? Are they all the same? I strongly suggest taking the latest from the EG4 website. There have been numerous firmware jumps lately and the latest stopped my 18K's from doing this. BTW at one of the firmware version changes the BAUD rate changed between batteries so make sure you update them all.
Old thread but things to try:

Turn off all the batteries, invert the id's, take the feed from the bottom battery now at 0. If the problem persists on the same battery the battery / BMS is bad. If it moves to the bottom battery there is likely a problem in communication somewhere. If it goes away the BMS is likely bad on the top battery.

Get the battery tool from the website Take the offending battery completely out of the stack (disconnect it from the bus), run the a diagnostic on it. Reload the current firmware on that battery, reset it then re-run the diagnostic.

Completely drain the offending battery to zero with a modest load until the bms shuts it off. Try running a diagnostic, you may need to charge it up slightly, then charge it back up to 100% look for error / diagnostic. At this point if still problematic you should see a bad cell or the BMS is bad.