diy solar

diy solar

If you take a loan, you pay it back.

Sometimes.. It depends on which perspective we use to look at them.

Viewing the parties from a social perspective we find they are very different, a true liberal and conservative separation. Liberals forge into the new and embrace change, conservatives resist change. Such ideologies are irrespective of the beneficial or consequential results of that change, and is the defining root meaning behind the words liberal and conservative.
fair enough.
The party's also differ with their generalized leadership ideas. Conservatives want the wealthiest to make the rules where liberals want the common citizen to make the rules. Well, its not exactly that cut and dry, there's a lot of overlap, but if we look at the edges, then its more clear.
i respectfully disagree, i find that on some very important matters they are in lockstep. both sides want endless conflict with other countries so they can cash in one way or another. be it by their stock trades on various weaponry makers or logistics companies
The two biggest attributes where we see them as a single party are related to their behaviors for self preservation for their own careers. This one is truly universal, and it results in financial foolishness and pandering rhetoric to their supporters. In this respect, the two parties are exactly the same.
to the simple fact that by keeping us all scared that they will get voted in both are a shitty way to run a country.
Sometimes.. It depends on which perspective we use to look at them.

Viewing the parties from a social perspective we find they are very different, a true liberal and conservative separation. Liberals forge into the new and embrace change, conservatives resist change. Such ideologies are irrespective of the beneficial or consequential results of that change, and is the defining root meaning behind the words liberal and conservative.
The Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

Liberalism can be right wing, the democrats were and still are right wing in many ways, although there are left winger who are starting to win nominations and elections (Bernie Sanders). In the US the republicans who were trditionally left wing, have shifted to the right (thanks to Carl Rove) and are now (thanks to Trump) firmly on the far right...

A little history;

The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left. Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism', while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism'

On a social level, the right generally believes that a hierarchy in society is natural and normal. For them, the idea of a class system whereby the richer employ the poorer in a triangle is healthy because everybody benefits and it has historically been the natural order of things. Their economic policy (generally speaking) complements this, by promoting a form of capitalism which gives more economic freedom to big businesses. This means fewer regulations and lower taxes. They argue that as big businesses grow they create jobs for the working class and gradually everyone gets richer.

The left on the other hand is more keen to reduce the gaps in society between the rich and the poor. They believe society should work together to help everybody, with schemes like single payer health care and education. They argue the rich should pay proportionally more for this through taxes, thus reducing the gap between rich and poor. They also prefer to regulate 'the Market', which means distributing the wealth created on the stock market and in banks so that it does not all end up in the pockets of millionaires but some of it goes to solving the country's problems.

The easiest way to think about it is the idea of 'State vs. Market'. The state is the government, using its power to solve problems that only the government can; healthcare, policing, schools etc. Those departments are the 'public sector'. The market is the capitalist force which creates wealth, such as business transactions and banking. This is the 'private sector'.

Not judging any one based on those viewpoints, but it would be nice to watch a civil discussion about the merrits of each viewpoint without derogatory terms about either side.
Stop being a cheap skate you got plenty of money or so you claimed. Pay your kids’ way. I hope she is not retarded like you. The kids are suppose to only get in by testing and grades now. You can: Work as an intergalactic exlax medium where you lick the next space explorer before it blast off….. when and if we launch one….whenever that might be.

the real problem are the ppl that show up at the college campus financial center every semester…. Get their free govt checkS - get free books, show up to assigned class - the required # times then drop courses - sell free books at book store - go home until next semester when they will come back and do the same thing all over again. That is the scam and the real problem They just wanted some extra spending money. While thrre they hit on some hoes. The mf’ing man still holding them down after ~158 years Can’t breathe…. Types. I Watched it time and time again. Eye witness. All 100% legal. The shit part they knocked someone out of legitimately taking the course - filled it up. So… Privileged.

The Can’t Breath types make all the other minorities look bad and knock them out of required classes too.

BTW if we didn’t give over ~$210 billion dollars to Ukraine our ppl in this country might get more govt educational assistance. You approved of that Ukraine spending BS. We always do that. Israel was our first major welfare baby. Once govt - congress figured out how to spend money for get kick backs on foreign country gifts it was on. Most every single time congress votes for pet countries to give free money over our own citizen site. Every single time. Bend over USA Citizens let Uncle Sam drive = screw you. Now pay up suckers….. all the bills are OUR debt. ???? Watching us get screwed is precious. Before you turn on the news get ky and lube up because before it goes off you will be getting sex you don’t want.

George Carlin had it 100% correct, “ it is a big club and we are not in it”
Meet “the big guy”

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So this is an interesting one guys and I interested to hear your opinions. I'm just trying to work out if I can save money by paying off my student loan as due to a pay increase this month and coupled with the student loan interest rate increasing next month (from 1.5% to 6.3%) for the first time I'm actually considering it! Here are the details: My student finance balance: £13,552.07 My monthly repayments from current salary: £42 If I paid back £42 for 28 years (how long I expect to be working for) I'd pay a total of £14,112. We have a mortgage which we are currently overpaying by 20% and likely to keep it at that amount however if either of us come into some money we'll match a contribution and overpay it that little bit more. We are on similar salaries around 30-31k and 233k left on mortgage. Am I just overthinking things? I never thought overpaying it would be an option. Maybe the 6.3% figure is just scaring me a bit when repayments will remain the same so long as my salary does (for now). Thank you and welcome any questions!
So this is an interesting one guys and I interested to hear your opinions. I'm just trying to work out if I can save money by paying off my student loan as due to a pay increase this month and coupled with the student loan interest rate increasing next month (from 1.5% to 6.3%) for the first time I'm actually considering it! Here are the details: My student finance balance: £13,552.07 My monthly repayments from current salary: £42 If I paid back £42 for 28 years (how long I expect to be working for) I'd pay a total of £14,112. We have a mortgage which we are currently overpaying by 20% and likely to keep it at that amount however if either of us come into some money we'll match a contribution and overpay it that little bit more. We are on similar salaries around 30-31k and 233k left on mortgage. Am I just overthinking things? I never thought overpaying it would be an option. Maybe the 6.3% figure is just scaring me a bit when repayments will remain the same so long as my salary does (for now). Thank you and welcome any questions!

When I was 20 years old, not even of legal drinking age yet, I bought my first condo.. I sent every extra dime I could into paying it off, even going so far as to collect pop bottles when I was already making a very good wage for a 20 year old. I drove a rusted used car, bought appliances used, and wore out my clothes until I looked homeless.

After paying it off, I got married and moved out into the countryside where I bought home on a bunch of property. Again, I paid off the 30 year mortgage in under 8 years.

A couple years ago, we decided my wife should be driving a better car so we went to the dealership and bought one, and I paid cash for it.. Not because I'm super rich, but because I live my life without debt. The dealership thought I was a drug dealer.. Then the insurance agent made me jump through some extra hoops because she didn't believe there was no bank beneficiary on the title.. She said "no one pays cash for a new car"...

Some debt is required.. Average people don't have the money to purchase a home.. but most debt is the result of either ego and pride, or a lack of planning. Student debt is the exception.. young people don't have the wisdom, nor have they been around long enough, to save that kind of money... But regardless, it should be paid off as quickly as possible.

Change the word interest rate to "Suck from your life rate" in every document...

Drive an old car, buy 2nd hand furniture, 2nd hand appliances, and 2nd hand clothing when possible.. Get the absolute cheapest phone you can get.. Give up life's perks and luxuries, most are a waste of money. Live like a poor person and watch the bank account grow.
Drive an old car, buy 2nd hand furniture, 2nd hand appliances, and 2nd hand clothing when possible.. Get the absolute cheapest phone you can get.. Give up life's perks and luxuries, most are a waste of money. Live like a poor person and watch the bank account grow.
This Murph is why, even though we disagree on some things, I still pay attention to your posts. you say smart things like this on a regular basis...

The above is me, I live like a pauper, I buy cars that are 12-15 years old out of style but with low mileage, they are not flashy, but solid. i fix my own shit and use it till close to failure. as such we have very little debt (main house only) and some floating credit card due to job expenses. my sons (2) college is paid off and i have savings that are building specifically for my daughters (they are 6th, and 7th graders ATM.), but they will go to college without a loan. i will still retire just a little later than planned.
I don't understand.. what does a liberal arts major have to do with poor life choices? And can you explain how you're associating poor life choices with democrat strategy to get votes? I'm kind of confused on how you're connecting those dots because I just don't see it.
A liberal arts major is pretty much one of the earliest poor life choices. More to follow
What a great way to destroy higher education.. though I suspect that is the goal. Talk about a severe case of blame shifting.. How about we just stick to holding people responsible for their own behavior and bad choices?

To solve the problem without holding one entity responsible for the bad choices of another entity, how about we:
1) Stop providing educational loans all together? This would force down the cost of college as a whole, but I'm pretty sure it would also come with some drawbacks...

2) Or better yet, we create an algorithm that analyzes and rates the high and low demand careers, factors in the incomes from those careers and the difficulty in obtaining a degree, and sets the loan criteria based on that data..

So if you want to go to college for software, where such career path pays about $140,000 a year, your student loan is going to be much easier to get then someone who wants to study advanced basket weaving. One day in the future when we have enough software people and find ourselves in need of woven baskets, the algorithm will adjust itself as required.

Punishing one party for the behavior of another party is what the gun grabbers want to do.. It is wrong on every level.
What drawbacks?
'Higher' education means zero today.
Crime is low because punishment is draconian, freedom is almost non existent, and women are basically 3rd class citizens.

I thought you said you wanted to avoid being obtuse?

If liberals promote destruction of the family, why is the divorce rate highest in conservative states?

From the university of Texas

Liberal states have a lower divorce rate.

If poor family structure leads to poverty, and education prevents both poor family structure (divorce) and poverty, shouldn't we increase the amount of education available?

You seem to be putting the cart before the horse, or at best, arguing chicken and egg.

If we know that education reduces both the likelihood of poor family structure, and crime, shouldn't we make education more available to reduce both poor family structure and crime?

You seem stuck in a loop of circular logic, and your replies have consistently assigned blame without a solution, which is a big fat red warning flag that your replies are motivated not to solve a problem, but to push an agenda or worsen the problem.

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"liberal" states cost more to live.
Bitches aren't bailing out if they can't afford it.