diy solar

diy solar

Momentary "low voltage" warning on Pylontech....concerning?


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2021
Battery voltage is above 49V so I'm not sure why this error came up. From the manual:
  1. Low Voltage: When the battery discharges to 44.5V or less, battery
    protection will turn on.
Then there are the simultaneous "high voltage" and "low temperature" warnings. None of those should have popped up since I don't see any high voltage or low temperatures either.

The warnings appear to have popped up at the same time my heat pump was kicking into high gear (total load of about 1.8 KW) to warm the cabin in the morning. I didn't see it until about a half hour later. Acknowledged the errors and that was that, so doesn't seem to be a big issue.

And this is what the system was doing at the time of the warnings (I was recording the performance of the heat pump at the time). The heat pump had slowly ramped up to its max draw of 1.8KW or so. Battery was above 49V.

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