diy solar

diy solar

My high top sprinter is ALIVE! Spitballing solar ideas...


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
I have had a T1N sprinter for a few years now. It has had various mechanical issues since I took ownership of it. Great performance and economy, interrupted by months of poor running, and random mechanical issues. Fuel leaks, water leaks, power loss, smoke... ugh.
But I tinker, and spend $ at shops... I have finally gotten the truck in good shape.

All that is up on the 9 foot roof is a pop up vent. I got up there on a ladder and measured the curve and width x length with solar panel ideas...

To place flat panels on it, I would need to build a steel platform, and it would raise the height considerably... most drive through height limits are 9foot or lower... the pop up vent is 9’3”... but I can swing wide and make that work usually... a platform, with strength to support glass panels, would add 6” at the center, and square the top a lot...

I am thinking a thin curved steel flat sheet could be set to the curve of the roof, and secured, then adhesive mount flex panels across the entire surface. It should keep the vehicle aerodynamics, and be nearly invisible from the ground... I know flex panels are short lived, but I drive A LOT. And economy is important. My fuel bill is around 1800 a month usually with my trucks... the sprinter cuts that in half...

The solar would be to maintain my 180Ah bank for jobsite power. Messy gas cans and generator noise is annoying..
I will post drawings and pics as I progress with the plan.
This is a cool idea that sounds feasible. Huge plusses for stealth/view, aerodynamics, and costs seem maybe better than a rack.

With the rack idea, isn't a simple, flush-mounted 1x1 frame + ~1.5" panel thickness decent without increasing overall height? I'm working on rail mounts to a hard shell, thru-bolting yakima tracks. I figure total height increase will be 3" at the peak. Over an inch of airflow with a fairing in the front to improve aerodynamics and stresses on the array.

Seems like somebody would have a similar array to your idea stuck on an Airstream, somewhere...
The roof is curved towards the middle of the vehicle, so a flat rack would be 3” higher at the rails... 3”at the peak would be 6” higher at the sides... perhaps if I could make a flat rack that matched the pitch angle...
but I think the flexible panel curved... is the best idea. I will order one and see how I like it.
This is a cool idea that sounds feasible. Huge plusses for stealth/view, aerodynamics, and costs seem maybe better than a rack.

With the rack idea, isn't a simple, flush-mounted 1x1 frame + ~1.5" panel thickness decent without increasing overall height? I'm working on rail mounts to a hard shell, thru-bolting yakima tracks. I figure total height increase will be 3" at the peak. Over an inch of airflow with a fairing in the front to improve aerodynamics and stresses on the array.

Seems like somebody would have a similar array to your idea stuck on an Airstream, somewhere...
I think youtube is going to be your friend here. A lot of people have done this with success and they explain their builds on youtube.
Good luck! I didn't realize there was that much curve on those 1st gens. Seems like you have a great solution.
I browsed a lot of videos... several just built a rack and mounted them high... not for me...

a guy was showing off his failed mount, and remounting them. Directly to the ridges... idk... 200 watts should charge the bank as little as I use it. We’ll see...