diy solar

diy solar

Repairing inverters...

When connecting battery the bms detects short and trips. The inverter doesn't see any battery voltage and multimeter doesn't see short across battery terminals. I'm yet to investigate but i hope its something simple.
Have you tried pre charging the inverter capacitors? Otherwise, the inrush to fill those caps is huge and will often trip the BMS over current protection.
Currently I’m repairing a “broken” Huawei Sun 2000 3KTL L1 that our installer (I work in a company that install PV in Italy) broke due to a inverted polarity on the PV input. We tried to ask Huawei to repair it, they had denied it and told to ask a third part company to repair it.
We had sent it and they declared that it’s irreparable.
Now it’s half working, only one MPPT of two. Now it’s in my garage and I’m trying to repair it using my skills learned on the appliances PCB and school-academic electronic and electrotechnics.
I tried to find some schematics or indication, the only documentation aviable are on a sketchy webpage that asks a payment to read it, I had considered it a scam. Huawei (asking as installer) do not gave nothing more than the manual / datasheet, same as SMA, Fronius, PowerOne, etc..

I wanted to open a thread on it but I had a problem with my diy battery and wanted to tidy up it before.
I will post the repair and updates on the “hybrid - grid tied inverter” section.