diy solar

diy solar

Safety switch for 18k pv battery

These are both required to kill DC from the batteries, and not AC? That is almost 3000 in parts.
As much as it dented my pocked… I was able to shop around and get both switches for under 1400 for both needed. Plus another 200 for cable. Still feel ripped off by the AHJ
I’ve ask multiple ways and their argument was. “Needs a switch with a padlock” Wheels are in motion now & I’m just glad to be able to install, to go back to pushing with out the switches will be fees(maybe) & weeks delay. Hopefully anyone reading this thread can have better luck than me.

This is one of multiple responses I got from them.

“A lockable disconnecting means shall be within sight of the ESS, so there should be another ESS disconnect inside the garage to comply with Section 706.15(A).”
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That is wild, I'm glad that they finally allowed you to continue with your installation though! If you need help commissioning the system, feel free to give our technical support a call or reach out to me.
The PV disconnect on the inverter is lockable, as are the circuit breakers on the batteries, as can be the RSD switch mounted both internally and externally. Your AHJ is a buffoon.
I tried to fight it. When I did I was told “if your third revision does not pass you’ll be charged 250$ per hour” I figured cheaper to do it their way. Than to pay for their hourly rate.
"Tell me you're a Siemens stockholder *without* telling me you're a Siemens stockholder" LOL
"Tell me you're a Siemens stockholder *without* telling me you're a Siemens stockholder" LOL
Heh.. I wish. Tbh idc if it would’ve been any other brand. Siemens was the “cheapest”.

Anyways, I’ve drafted the email and tempted to email them. What’s holding me back is revision time but would love to remove these damn ugly switches. I’m already limited on wall space. Damn things are big and heavy