diy solar

diy solar

Solar Risks with EMF


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
Stamford, CT
I have an eco flow delta pro and was going to mount (4) 400 watt panels to my roof. The sunniest place is a roof off my back deck (also above my kitchen) that is not very high and close to where we hang out both in the kitchen and outside on the deck. During my research I came across a lot of concerns about harmful electric/magnetic solar fields created and I’m trying to understand if I should be concerned. Im sure a lot of people are going to say don’t worry about it and it’s not true but im just trying to understand if I should have any concerns. originally I was going to only use in case of emergency and power outage but now I’m this deep into it and was thinking about using day to day to save electric costs.

My questions are:
1) Would my set up (4 solar panels to eco flow to transfer switch) even create harmful fields/dirty electricity or is that more for a full house set up that has a giant inverter and a smart meter that stores and gives back energy to the electric company.

2) a lot of the websites were saying the solar panels themselves don’t give off much but it’s the inverter that’s the issue. I know the eco flow is the inverter but would that give off harmful fields or is for a different type of inverter. Maybe a larger one or different type?

3) I have a trifield meter. I could test numbers but not sure if I should be looking at electric. Magnetic. Or radio numbers.

This is all completely new to me and just trying to figure out next steps so any thoughts at all would be appreciated. Thanks

I would be more concerned about the wires and lights hanging above your head on that patio.
If we are going in that direction you should throw away any cellphone in the family etc.
Do you see the point I am trying to make?
I wish you all the best in your solar journey.
Almost anything I have read about "dirty electricity" no matter what it is to do with has a product they want to sell to fix it.

For solar the bashing point (I mean talking point) is the EMF is hazardous.... uhm, your wifi router and the cell towers and electrical wiring in the walls all put out EMF.

These same folks talk about there isn't enough lithium to convert all the cars to electric. Windmills produce radiation. Jewish space lasers are going to cook the gazpacho.

Not trying to be political, but most of the time people just don't know better when bad mouthing things or have a vested interest in saying what they say

And there is a small percentage of people that are going to question why and look things up.
I don't really know of any respected study that has shown EMF to really cause health issues. I know a lot of people who have said it does, but beyond that I think there are a few thousand other things to be concerned with (PFAS, etc).
If it was as dangerous as the panic bunch says it is one mri machine would kill everyone in a hospital.... daily.

The elephant in the room is that like any radiation, the effects are cumulative, so the real truth is that it is an experiment, with the results still being out there. Not many people undergo MRI every day.

There is enough talk even in the scientific community that EMF effects (especially recent developments (last 25+ years)) are indeed hazardous, but the topic is taboo, just like Covid vaxxines. IE the establishment will never tell you they are dangerous.
Vastly simplified explanation - MRI works by using strong magnetic fields that are alternating to align the water molecules then shifting them in unison - the different density of the tissue causes that to react faster/slower/etc... so you get a picture.

The waves used in a MRI are radio waves at varying strength to cause the water molecules to dance around.

I've had more than a few of them (hip/back/both shoulder, knee) and I much prefer them to a CAT scan that uses X-rays. But I am not going to get one every day too.

Technically radiation is waves of energy - gamma rays are short wave lengths. The visible light spectrum is also made of waves and you have it on your skin all the time.

The difference is that gamma waves are ionizing and cause physical changes to the cells in your body - mostly bad changes.

Of course there is UV radiation that you get in abundance in sunlight - it gives you a sunburn and it causes you to produce more of the melanin that protects you from sunburn and gives you a tan.

And - if you are worried about the EMF you should be off grid living like Amish from a hundred years ago with no power. And you need to live at least few hundred miles from anyone or you will be hit with waves from radio/tv/cell phones/any wire with current through it.