diy solar

diy solar

Who's using a LPG on demand water heater without 120v?

@ToddF thanks for that detailed response! I really appreciate that. Would you mind sharing details of your heat exchanger system?
I have 2 ecotemps L5's They work great but there are two things you must know.
The temp of the well water dramatically affects the heater output.
If your well water is cold these only raise the temp by a certain amount.
I can't remember the number but its significant.

Also the water pressure is crucial - anything under 25lbs pressure didn;t work for me at all.
I think at least 35lbs is best in the lines. 30lbs may work but watch this. I have a pressure gauge on my camps water lines so i can monitor it.
Ecotemps seem to work well for offgrid.

And for gawds sake don;t leave them out below zero.
100% they burst something.
I have a eccotemp l5 and it works great, you definitely want the l7/l10 (they are similar to the one you linked) for more than recreational use.

my SiL uses a l5 to heat water to keep her warm when diving (underwater maintance/welder). had to build a shroud out of a drum to keep it from being blown out by gentle wind.

I plan on making a hot tub with my l5, a 12v pump and audrino based controller.. just gotta get the code working right.

I have seen someone use a 120v unit on a tiny inverter, it was heating a 275g tote to keep five 100# propane tanks warm while they were under heavy draw. I have also worked on a flame effect that used a 120v spark igniter from a hvac furnace ran from a small inverter.
thank you
Used a Bosch propane (2 D cells) for about 6 years for the outside kitchen and shower for the hot tub.
Worked fine, since it is outside we took it down in the fall. in 2018 left it a little long and the water flow valve froze patched it with rtv and it still worked, just not quite as smoothly. Last fall we needed it later in the year, and it froze bursting one of the water pipes, will see about a fix comes the spring, it is no longer absolutely necessary as the house kitchen and bath are now installed, but will try to fix it so we can have the outside shower again. Has been a great unit, even used it to fill the hot tub a few times, but that is a bit hard on the propane budget.
I have been using an ecotemp l10 for close to 10 years. I'm on my second one as I moved. They are a little finicky but once you get the hang of them they are a super economical, surprisingly efficient unit. That Marey does look nice though. The only complaint I have for the ecotemp is that you cant fine tune temp adjustments from within the shower- I have tried mixing valves to no avail. If you try to add any cold water to the mix the reduce temp, it reduces the flow through the ecotemp and it will shut the unit down and then you have to turn the water off then back on and will get hit with some cold water for a half minute until everything stabilizes.

Anyone have a way to fine-tune the temp while in the shower??? I (my partner) would be indebted to you if you had it figured out.
If you try to add any cold water to the mix the reduce temp, it reduces the flow through the ecotemp

what's your feed source? a rv water pump, traditional well, city water?

whats the shower valve? a two knob RV style?

could you reduce the pressure of the cold side before the shower valve?

the cold side has more pressure than the hot, because it's going through less plumbing (including the eccotemp heat exchanger) so it might be overpowering the hot side at the shower mixing valve.

other possible solutions:

backflow prevention valves

install a thermostatic mixing valve after the eccotemp

feed the water heater with its own water pump (if pumping with rv pumps)

if you can deal with the wasted energy you could run the output of the eccotemp into a regular water heater (RV water heaters are 6-12gal and have LPG/120v heating) -- this should smooth the output and allow you to run hot water at a trickle.

disclaimer: I'm not a plumber, this is all theoretical, but I'll be in the same position as you soon and want to know how it works out for you. I'm currently just using my RV water heater until warmer weather arrives.
I also have the Ecotemp L10 and I have not noticed the cold water addition problem. It does though only marginally warm the water in the middle of winter when the water termperature is close to freezing. In summer though, I have to dilute the hot water from the Ecotemp with cold tap, and I've never had a shutdown because of that. The safety interlock will sometimes initiate a shutoff, and I have to stand there, dripping and cold till I can turn the tap back on and wait for warmish water again.
My wife and I have been using these low cost type propane water heaters for 7 years now. Our first (and second) were eccotemp l5 units. The first one went bad do to freezing. Left town without draining it. My fault. The second unit got a leak in the internals. It was 3 years old so did not bother with a repair, as we liked, but it had its faults, so we decided to try another brand. Mainly do to flow/lack of heat control issues. When taking a shower in the summer, it would be to hot even when adjusted to summer temps and increasing the flow speed. So when you added cold water at the shower controls to compensate, the water heater would shut off as the flow of water through it was not sufficient (3.5 gpm) to operate. So it went from to hot to not. Heard enough screams from the shower from the wife to look at other options.

The one I'm linking to below is what we got, and has been fantastic. Much better than the eccotemp and a lot cheaper to boot. I've adjusted the temp to barely warm and no shutoff of the unit. I even bought a second to keep on hand, or maybe install to heat the kitchen sink.

FWIW - We mounted it on the wall above the washer in the walk-in closet. The room is 5x10 with 9ft ceilings. It is not vented to the outside, and has 4 foot of head clearance above unit, shroud/heat shield that came with unit is installed.

I'm on my 4th Marey - don't get the bottom of the line (three knobs), get the one with electronic controls!