diy solar

diy solar

Wireless Bidirectional EV Charging


New Member
Jan 21, 2024
SE Michigan / East Texas
There was an Spaces session about wireless EV charging hosted by Matthew Donegan-Ryan on Feb 22, 2024 that many of you may find interesting.

Recording is here (went over 2 hours):

Or on YouTube here:

Principal speaker was Jeremy McCool, CEO of HEVO:

Teaser: wireless charger component on EV side is about the size of a medium pizza box, can now handle up to 300kw and can technically go to 500kw (limit is battery tech on vehicle side), about 95% efficient vs plug-in charging’s 97% efficiency, cost is currently within 10% of plug-in charging and can actually be cheaper at higher power, and Tesla appears to already be in the process of implementing it.

Biggest tweak of my interest is HEVO wants to default to bidirectional, especially for V2H.

Also some discussion of Tesla Optimus robot and how wireless charging could enable 24x7 operation vs 16 hours of operation plus 8 hours charging.

The embedding highway infrastructure to allow charging while driving might just blow your mind along with wireless charging for fleets and robo-taxis.
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Wireless charging at anything over 100 watts? LOL you are going to melt everything around you!
Unless they figured out how do defy the laws of Physics (haha)