diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: going overboard with plants?

    noooooooooooooooooo I can't resist needing to show off. Sorry guys. It's obvious I still have not matured yet. truth be told though that most of the bags left on the phtoto are mere left overs. I am not sure if anything nutritious can be taken out of them.
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    Infuc*&ngcredible. whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot already 16 volts at 60 rpm without iron powder. this is going to blow socks off. I always knew this is going to be. ............... wait for it.............. Sick® whoooooooooooooooot
  • Post in thread: going overboard with plants?

    So this is my first potato harvest ever. it's riddled with noob mistakes. In honor of my avatar name, I already do not know what to do with the yield. Let alone when all the rest of the crop is ready to be harvested.
  • Post in thread: Cheap chinese horizontal wind turbine, an in depth exploration.

    --- Begin edit Please do not reference to unproven products. A proven product should at least have an rpm vs some kind of output graph with warranties. for the building of a DIY alternator that actually works please see...
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    although less intimidating now. Do not let apearances fool you. The idea is to lower the arms to around 1m above the ground. So that the central column has to deal with less stress. I am going for the blade frames going up rather than the arms.
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    first larger stepper has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    holy smokes this is getting intimidating!! and this is only half of the magnets!!
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    if only I had a steady hand then I could do 1 meter sections at once with the custom foam cutter (CFC). even the 50cm sections aren't perfect but at least Given enough practice it will get better. I used xps 30mm insulation I had laying around. it's certainly not hard enough to be able to be...
  • Post in thread: Small wind turbines no longer worth it?

    I ask people pitching in on my threads to not reference unproven stuff as I am also on a mission to get a working wind turbine that actually does something at low rpm (60-120). Regarding that they break and need maintenance my idea was to DIY it so I know how to fix it when it breaks and over...
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    pffff. that was insanely difficult getting those magnets in place. I have some measurements already and they are not as spectacular as I had assumed. I 3d printed a tool to be able to use clams to squeeze the magnets into place. You can see it on the disk to the right of the magnets. My god...
  • Post in thread: How NOT to DIY a 33' Windmill - Video -

  • Post in thread: How NOT to DIY a 33' Windmill - Video -

    you and me both brother
  • Post in thread: measurement unit consensus.

    if you guys were not our only hope in NATO sense I would have dismissed this attitude. ;) But let's get one thing clear. I still love you guys. Stronger yet I want to come to California soon for holiday.
  • Post in thread: going overboard with plants?

    So by a show of hands, who here is interested in veggies? :)
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

  • Post in thread: Any good experiences with wind?

    When you speak in ernest brother. I know of no one that dares to laugh!
  • Post in thread: ANTI post. I am not selling anything. I want to prevent the big tech hoging my concept

    So ladies and gentlemen, I just found a marvel concept. But before I go public I need to make sure how to keep the clutches of companies away. If I post publicly about my findings yet have never filed for a patent can then some random dude / corp take it and patent it? Or should I first...
  • Post in thread: ANTI post. I am not selling anything. I want to prevent the big tech hoging my concept

    Even if I was not helped by many great minds. Then I would have still wanted to just share. Don't ask me how but I got lucky and am retired now with both means, will and time. Truth be told though that @Hedges is one of the leading factors in my advancement of understanding things. Sure he...
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    Yes I have considered that as well. even a hybrid. But I had to start somewhere and I found the versatility of additive more compelling than subtractive. thanks for the heads up non the less though
  • Post in thread: 8 x 415Wp panels. How to proceed?

    hahahha yes borther. If it was not for that comment I would not be thinking about victron to begin with so thank you. pleasee excuse me going back and forth some times as I am way out of my comfort zone here.
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    WOW!!. I just figured I can hook up my tesla meter to my 3d printer. and then can move the meter around with 0.1mm resolution.
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    ladies and gentlemen!! I present to you a quarter of the an early version of the DD what it means is at the discretion of the reader. One could interpret it as; * double density. * the part of the female anatomy we all love to feel and look at. * or what can one think of. For me personally...
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    well, he often sees things most of us do not. wether they are magnetic in nature I am not sure ;)
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    i see no sings of warping yet. let's hope for the best
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    it has got sharks with freaking laser beams attached to them in it ;)
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    WOW!! this one blade of 1 meter height wants to turn opposite of the direction of where the wind (with a 2.7m/s wind speed) is coming from. It spins slowly sure but spin it does!! I just hope it's not because of some instability with only 1 blade. The list of things that need improving is...
  • Post in thread: Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

    Have no fear please my dear brother. But I have chosen pragmatism above idealism as a first stepping stone. I thought it better to through in some money for a (mostly) pre assembled kit and get things on a roll again rather than to spend ages of time getting my giant printer to print while that...
  • Post in thread: 8 x 415Wp panels. How to proceed?

    wow, you even have this popular meme font to your disposal. brilliant. But you are correct. I'll get back to this thread after my holiday once I have made some progress
  • Post in thread: going overboard with plants?

    yes I have done so. But depending on the source they might be treated with a sprout inhibitor. So better then to wash them gently before putting them on a window sill. Also when I tried last time the leaves had gotten a bad case of potato sickness. Not sure if it was related to it being store...
  • Post in thread: going overboard with plants?

    I am so happy to see that, at least, some of us are also growing. maximum respect.