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diy solar

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B Sucessfully running Victron’s Venus OS! *Updated with added temperature sensor.*

Sky Noris

New Member
Sep 13, 2021
Long story short for no apparent reason my Cerbo GX died. The device comes with a 6-year warranty. So, I first figured no problem in a few days I’ll be back online. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case this time. The vendor I bought the Cerbo from had a family emergency and this left me with no service for around 8 days. After pondering a bit, I remembered that I had a newer raspberry pi 4 b sitting around and thought I could make a temporary or backup Cerbo out of it. Today I was able to bring it online with a heavily modified Venus OS image that I flashed onto a microSD card. If you noticed on the Victron site
Raspberry pie 4 model b is not supported. But luckily, I was able to get it working with WIFI – Bluetooth and USB ports upon boot. I don’t believe this is possible without a modified image. With the modified image it makes it super easy to install and bring online without the need to connect to a monitor or anything. In fact, I was able to get it working with just my phone. Here is the somewhat finished product working only for a few hours today under very cloudy skies. CLICK TO VIEW PIE IN ACTION Tomorrow should be cloudy and snowy again but it will be intresting to track the live results.
When I get my Cerbo GX back from warranty I’ll probably shelf this for a while. But I find it very cool what you can do with little resources. In my case it was just parts sitting around. If anyone happens to be intrested in the image file used to create this hit me up I can send you a copy. *Update got two way comunications happening this way I can remotely see my equipement and even change settings.*Screenshot 2022-04-15 130150.jpgScreenshot_20220414-222135.jpgtempFileForShare_20220415-015712.jpg


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Nice Job!
I've got a spare Pi 4 b in my office just waiting for a project, so I think I've found it.
Did you have to create the image or download it and modify? I’ve not looked at this in a while since I have latter model pi 4’s. I’ve just ordered a Victron 50amp blue solar and am wanting to try Again.
The image file has already been pre-modified. Basically, it's just a stock image altered and rearranged to work correctly with a Raspberry Pi 4 B. If that's what you have then all you would need to do is flash it to a micro-SD card and plug it into the raspberry pi. After waiting for a few minutes for it to boot. You could then use the Victron app to set everything up. Here's a copy in case you want to play with it. Link to modified image file I used BalenaEtcher software to copy the image file. The file is zipped so you'd have to unzipp it first to extract the image.
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The image file has already been pre-modified. Basically, it's just a stock image altered and rearranged to work correctly with a Raspberry Pi 4 B. If that's what you have then all you would need to do is flash it to a micro-SD card and plug it into the raspberry pi. After waiting for a few minutes for it to boot. You could then use the Victron app to set everything up. Here's a copy in case you want to play with it. Link to modified image file I used BalenaEtcher software to copy the image file. The file is zipped so you'd have to unzipp it first to extract the image.
Thanks for the image, I was able to write it and boot the PI to a default login. What login credentials did you use to login?
Thanks for the image, I was able to write it and boot the PI to a default login. What login credentials did you use to login?
To get started just use a phone and the victron connect app. You can connect to the Pi via Bluetooth. Afterwards you can setup wifi or just use the ethernet port to connect to the remote console. If I remember right the default SU "superuser" password is ZZZ and here is a link that describes connecting to it at the root level "" but honestly none of this is needed you can just use your new Pi Cerbo like a regular Cerbo. connect your devices via USB and enjoy.
To get started just use a phone and the victron connect app. You can connect to the Pi via Bluetooth. Afterwards you can setup wifi or just use the ethernet port to connect to the remote console. If I remember right the default SU "superuser" password is ZZZ and here is a link that describes connecting to it at the root level "" but honestly none of this is needed you can just use your new Pi Cerbo like a regular Cerbo. connect your devices via USB and enjoy.
What's the power draw of a Pi4 and how much do they cost?
I have mine powed with a 5 volt 3 amp transformer but I'm thinking its using a very small amount of power when running maybe 10 - 20 watts when idle its around 2.5 watts. When its really working it could push around a 1 amp but I've not seen that myself. I paid $45 for mine on a pre order. But I'd think now they are out of stock so a good price would probably be around $90-$100 or a little less for the 1 gig version. I have a few differnt pi's cause they are very handy for all kinds of projects.
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was disecting the img file today only for fun and found an interesting feature. To obtain superuser just go to settings -> General. At that point you will either be logged in as User or User - Installer. You can obtain superuser by holding the right arrow button. Then I'd highly recomend to set the password right afterwards. It will remain logged in as superuser until you select one of the other two options. the default password for both user and user installer is just zzz . Makes me wonder how many people have already fat fingured superuser ?
It's been several weeks now and the Pi4 has run smoothly with zero issues. So, I decided to have a little fun with it and added a Temp - Humidity - Barometer sensor that runs off Bluetooth and a CR 2035 battery. I've also got full screen mode working on my newer tablet's web browser. but it does look like this project will come to an end soon though possibly cause after intervention from I'd believe Victron themself. My Cerbo will be replaced under warranty. Then I will probably switch back to it just because it has so many more inputs. Half tempted to sell it though and grab one more charge controller instead. ? The new Bluetooth sensor in case anyone was wondering about is just a Ruuvi tag that should work with both Pi and Cerbo units 100%. Screenshot_20220502-183157_Chrome 2.jpg (2).jpgScreenshot_20220502-144605_Native .jpg.jpg
The image file has already been pre-modified. Basically, it's just a stock image altered and rearranged to work correctly with a Raspberry Pi 4 B. If that's what you have then all you would need to do is flash it to a micro-SD card and plug it into the raspberry pi. After waiting for a few minutes for it to boot. You could then use the Victron app to set everything up. Here's a copy in case you want to play with it. Link to modified image file I used BalenaEtcher software to copy the image file. The file is zipped so you'd have to unzipp it first to extract the image.

That is amazing!

I was just about to start installing Venus OS on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with 4 GB (I think, could be 8 GB too), and then I saw the info that it doesn't work on the newer RPI versions (all very unclear).

Which version of the OS is this? It should work to use Win32 Disk Imager, right?
This is exactly the project i was looking for to keep my sanity this summer! Thanks for posting this. What’re the minimum/optimum sizes of Pi RAM and SD card required?
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Sorry for the delay in the responce Messier11. The image file was based off the latest when I was working on it. 2.85 I belive. I flashed mine with the recomended ultility but I don't see any reason why Win 32 shouldbn't work. Love that utility app.

I'd think your good with any size of ram of ram as far as performace @BriteStar of the VRM. I've not tested it with an 8 GB PI. I've just never had the need for that much memory yet. really the OS and system draw little resources as it was made for much older PI's.
Sorry for the delay in the responce Messier11. The image file was based off the latest when I was working on it. 2.85 I belive. I flashed mine with the recomended ultility but I don't see any reason why Win 32 shouldbn't work. Love that utility app.

I'd think your good with any size of ram of ram as far as performace @BriteStar of the VRM. I've not tested it with an 8 GB PI. I've just never had the need for that much memory yet. really the OS and system draw little resources as it was made for much older PI's.

Thanks! It surely worked like a charm, but I got some stuff to do, still working some on the JST connections for VE-direct, got the wrong ones first (tip for anyone not there yet, read the specs carefully, must be 2mm space between the pins, not like 2.5mm or whatever I got)…
I ended up having some JST connectors from when I was building alot of RC vehicals. One thing key to remember if you haven't already is to enable two way comunication inside the remote console. This way you can access each device remotely vs using bluetooth.
This is exactly the project i was looking for to keep my sanity this summer! Thanks for posting this. What’re the minimum/optimum sizes of Pi RAM and SD card required?

It’s actually cheaper to buy two PIs, one for Victron OS and one for Home Assistant, you won’t have to buy any sun screen all summer! :)
I ended up having some JST connectors from when I was building alot of RC vehicals. One thing key to remember if you haven't already is to enable two way comunication inside the remote console. This way you can access each device remotely vs using bluetooth.

This is one of the things I have on my 'things to check up' list, do you have to do something with the Remote On/Off thing?
@Sky Noris Have you ever had problems pairing with your Raspberry in the App?

I am so annoyed, I connected everything tonight after a looong week at work and it worked like a charm, but then when I was navigating the Remote control panel and tried to update the MPPT I accidentally updated the “Cerbo GX” device (ie the RPI) which of course crashed it.

So naturally I just started over, erased the Micro SD card and installed Venus OS again.

But now I cannot pair it in the app. I just get stuck in a loop where I am asked to enter a password and “000000” does not work. I am giving up for tonight, but not sure what I am going to try tomorrow…
@Sky Noris Have you ever had problems pairing with your Raspberry in the App?

I am so annoyed, I connected everything tonight after a looong week at work and it worked like a charm, but then when I was navigating the Remote control panel and tried to update the MPPT I accidentally updated the “Cerbo GX” device (ie the RPI) which of course crashed it.

So naturally I just started over, erased the Micro SD card and installed Venus OS again.

But now I cannot pair it in the app. I just get stuck in a loop where I am asked to enter a password and “000000” does not work. I am giving up for tonight, but not sure what I am going to try tomorrow…
Wow sounds like a nightmare. If you grab a few spare SD cards you can keep a backup in hopes to prevent this from happening again. Just try not to ever update your PI pretending to be a Cerbo :LOL: I'm wondering if somehow the pin for bluetooth got saved from your previous install or something. Maybe a new card and a fresh flash is what you need to get things working. Althernative you can always connect with ethernet if needed. Just to get things working and figure out the bluetooth later. To do that you just plug the PI into your router then use its assigned IP address to connect. I've not really had much need to use the remote on/off relay yet but I think you can set that up in the multiplus settings.
Wow sounds like a nightmare. If you grab a few spare SD cards you can keep a backup in hopes to prevent this from happening again. Just try not to ever update your PI pretending to be a Cerbo :LOL: I'm wondering if somehow the pin for bluetooth got saved from your previous install or something. Maybe a new card and a fresh flash is what you need to get things working. Althernative you can always connect with ethernet if needed. Just to get things working and figure out the bluetooth later. To do that you just plug the PI into your router then use its assigned IP address to connect. I've not really had much need to use the remote on/off relay yet but I think you can set that up in the multiplus settings.


I got it to work connecting with Ethernet first. Problem is that I can’t update the WiFi settings without Ethernet, so it will pose a bit of a problem when I move it out to the cabin lol. But must be some way to work around it, tried to add may phones wifi sharing before hand so that might work.

Sounds like these guys had the same problem: