diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

Except a large and powerfull industry is threatened and has spent a lot of time and money obstructing organic growth.
this is myopic at best. the oil industry will be around forever... just for cosmetics... you going to bed with an ugly chick? nope but she has enough foundations, cremes and (basically paint) to make you want to boff her... those are all made with a healthy dose of petroleum products.....

Oh thats why you want everybody to go tranny... hoping that a lowered sex drive will lower the use of cosmetics... sorry even going ball less use's oil for many of the treatments and drugs
Interesting question, but what geological effects have a measurable outcome delta in a 200+ year span.
It is clear that sequested Carbon has been released to the atmophere in a very short time (compared to geological processes) even with ice-core data we are limited to a tiny fraction of geological history data, and I wish we had a lot more. Do we need certainty to guide our decisions, or common sense.
It would be a poor scenario to continue playing with things that may destroy our ability to feed humanity, akin to a one-year-old paying with a hand-grenade, simply because we didn't know the outcome for certain.
really? What you think happens when a lightening strike starts a forest fire in lets say 200 AD? yes a lot of sequestered carbon going up in smoke. this has to be the stupidest comment yet.
Yep. And your body's biology is ever changing, and someday you'll die. Still, if someone changed it so quickly that you died tomorrow, I think you'd think that was not ideal.

And we once required horses, oxen and mules to feed all the humans living on the planet. Then we moved on - as we will again.

You are watching too much FOX News. Get some real sources.
you went straight from something that was thoughtful to propaganda... another member on ignore
Correct I am stating that the prognosis is not really as bad as some want us to believe
We moved on because of advancement through innovation and continuous improvement. Not because all of the oxen and mules were shot years before the new tractor was delivered.
yes my grandpa was still farming in rural indiana with horse in 1955. then he bought his first tractor when he could afford it.
I don't watch TV news. Haven't had TV for almost 2 decades.

I do read though, maybe that is the issue. I guess I need to stop reading so I don't disagree to far outside the lines of the false left right paradigm.

I can read people in their own words and writing. I need no source other than the source which I seek at any moment. I don't require some false authority to spoon feed things to me.

Is the person who says something or writes something down considered a good source for insight in their intentions?
sound words.
Not really, it would be a manageable amount of Co2.
The plan as of now is that ships will probably be Hybrid in design. They are already testing them.
I don't know how planes will work out in the USA, but other countries are already investing heavily in Railways to get ahead of the domestic issue.
Gen Z has already been programmed to stay at home and stay on their phones, so that will cut down on international flights in the 2040s :ROFLMAO:
take a prozac, plant more trees... whooo... shaaa... whooo... shaaa you can do it Bro!
I actually know nothing about either, I just wanted to maintain the thread spirit of arguing to argue
My gut says African because those are the giant ones at zoos. But Galapagos might have something to say
Then again, Crush was 150 and still young when cruising the east Australian current
I actually know nothing about either, I just wanted to maintain the thread spirit of arguing to argue
My gut says African because those are the giant ones at zoos. But Galapagos might have something to say
Then again, Crush was 150 and still young when cruising the east Australian current
lets keep nuke powered ships in the hands it should be..... oh shit.. yeah the US Navy. on sceond thought letws all just cut off our dangly bits and sing the village peoples in the navy or YMCA...
I actually know nothing about either, I just wanted to maintain the thread spirit of arguing to argue
My gut says African because those are the giant ones at zoos. But Galapagos might have something to say
Then again, Crush was 150 and still young when cruising the east Australian current
double post FFS
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Nope. They're not making the original Roadster any more.

Today's older generation is talking about how great cars in the 1970s were. Years from now, today's kids will be that age, and will be talking about how great the EVs of the 2010's were. "Sure, they're not as fast or as efficient as today's cars but they had STYLE - and they really held their value! Those were the days."
no they will not. they will laugh at it and pay nothing for it.
That kind of reminds me of the concept VW van from the late 90's that never went into production. It would fill that flatnosed small van space that has been lacking since Toyota stopped sending them to the US.

To bad the US government essentially banned the TDI. If justice had prevailed that van would be a diesel hybrid with all wheel drive. unfortunately there will only be this much less useful version and it won't be more affordable than conventional vehicles for a long time.

this was a crash standards issue. the Toyota Previa's (estima in japan) had a dismal.. yes that word... Dismal front crash rating. even in japan it fell out of favor for this reason. nobody wants to get their wife and children squashed in a head on.
So anything you don't agree with is facist? I have a hard time seeing this follows the typical definition. Especially when enacted by a group of leaders voted by the people into the government to represent the people.

The control is already in place as a credit by a majority of your elected representatives. I am just saying it would work better as a tax instead of a credit.

Is the gas tax facist? All taxes?
sorry pay to play exists. and yes what was suggested is facist. large corps pay to hire politicians and they do whatever they think is best for their own wallets. nothing more. bet thing that could happen for the USA is a civil was where all of the ruling class were killed. from top to bottom. sorry if that offends you... no not really bugger off.
Uh . . . by getting an EV and thereby not having to pay the taxes?

This is pretty basic. Everyone who has ever filed their taxes realizes that there are ways to minimize them.
so what hapens to those who cannot afford you new fangled toy? they basically get screwed. Your rich friend gets one, gets the tax breaks and looks down at the poor and down trodden...Screw you, go drink some bleach or some gasoline... and then light a match.
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And you assume we watch it. And we don't.
Joke's on you. Thanks for playing.
It is called projection and most leftists can't help it. They sit in front of the boob tube being force fed the trash and lies on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS or some other Operation Mockingbird media outlet. Many just eat up being spoken to in calm voices by communists on NPR. It helps them to feel superior, which they really need.

These types view Fox as the other team because it is slightly less degenerate and dishonest than the trash they are used to. If you eat enough garbage you will crave more garbage. Fox is trash too, I would guess that most viewers are there because it's the least insane "news" source from their perspective that is still on the TV.

It is my belief that these types are so weak that they must rely on the "appeal to authority" that being told what to think gives them.

All this to say, because they are weak and small minded you must also be that way as well.
So they project their mentality on to others.

If you are watching "news" that is preceeded by "brought to you by Pfizer" it should be a pretty good indication that you should be skeptical. This includes FOX.
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