diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Excess solar for EV charging - how to automate?

    In my case it is a serious pursuit (hobby) to game the system to get any advantage over PG&E that I can.
  • Post in thread: LiFePo4 batteries 8 years old.

    That would be my concern. LFP are better stored at 50% SOC and unless I knew the trickle charged voltage I would be concerned enough to want to do a capacity test.
  • Post in thread: Did I just fry my battery?

    I agree with @Texas-Mark it is probably just the bus bar. A quick charge after initially checking voltage will reveal if that cell lost enough charge to become unbalanced. I have has several of those kind of incidents without ever losing a battery.
  • Post in thread: Optimistic solar breakeven calculation

    I was previously in a high level financial position dealing with multi million dollar investments and can evaluate the opportunity cost of my capital very easily.. My decision was also based on a hedge against inflation of energy costs, including future erosion of the benefits of solar in...
  • Post in thread: Are there any LiFe batteries that just "Work"? (a bit of a vent)

    I must be one of those rare people. I mostly come to share best practices and learn some things.
  • Post in thread: EVE-280 cells should these be clamped tight or spaced for expansion?

    I remember a thread somewhere that discussed it. I clamped mine because I did not want to stress those little 6mm shallow connections if mine did swell. I used 1/4 inch thread rod with aluminum plates and tightened the nuts with maybe 10 ft lbs of torque. I have had two packs puff on me over the...
  • Post in thread: Using a Lawn Tractor Battery as a whole home battery backup

    I use battery powered garden tools including a lawn mower. Currently converting a chipper shredder to electric. Next will be the roto tiller.They all charge from the solar generated by my system. I am tired of gas going bad and carburator tuneups.
  • Post in thread: Safety Gloves?

    There should be no exposed conductors on a MC4 connector. As mentioned earlier the worst risk of connecting them under load is the damage that the spark can do to the contacts.
  • Post in thread: A friend of mine wants to know the environmental impact of a solar farm.

    In Denmark, I saw sheep grazing underneath the panels keeping the grass low. Sheep are a better solution for a solar farm because sheep are shorter and do not tend to rub on the posts like I have heard cattle can do. There is nothing environmentally negative as far as I know. The effect on rain...
  • Post in thread: Parallel cells - what are the pitfalls as the number of cells in parallel gets deeper ?

    I am not aware of any safety limits with LFP as far as paralleling cells. Tesla uses a more volatile chemistry and has over fifty cells in parallel. Tesla does fuse each cell and has a cooling mechanism.
  • Post in thread: Off grid is getting cheaper every day.

    I have on ocassion called this a hobby. I am a retired financial executive and have used sophisticated financial models for decision making. However at this point in my life my goals are not growth of capital but rather rewarding activities and efficient expenditures. I also live in California...
  • Post in thread: AC coupling my Outback Skybox to a Solaredge inverter

    I have had an Outback Skybox for several years but recently decided to finally rewire my GT Inverter to take advantage of the new battery pack I recently installed. Details of that build are here. My GT system is a 3.8 kW Solaredge inverter with 19 Hanwha cells for a total DC capacity of 5.7kW...
  • Post in thread: Why is solar so damn difficult?

    I have found solar a great learning experience. It is overwhelming in its entirety, but as with many complicated things in life if you break it down to simple elements it is easier to understand those elements. Then the big picture emerges.
  • Post in thread: Can EG4 18KPV work as UPS for sensitive loads like computer servers?

    Why not explain it on the forum for the benefit of other readers?
  • Post in thread: Docan 8x EVE 280ah slightly swollen

    Some of mine were like that. They tested fine and have been in use for 15 months now with no problems. To me that is typical distortion of the thin walls of those cells. That is why the manufacturer recommends compression when in use.
  • Post in thread: The Real Reason LA port is backed up

    In this case there are a number of factors that came together not the least of which is a concern for air quality. I grew up over looking the LA Basin and I continue to support efforts to clean the air that we breath. You could blame a lot of organizations, including Heart, Lung and Cancer...
  • Post in thread: Rant about Ah and Wh...

    @venquessa I am going to follow the advice of @timselectric but instead of starting a new thread I am going to ignore you. I lack the self control to do otherwise, and I don't want to further hijack this thread. No one said that a battery was an ideal voltage source. It is a voltage source that...
  • Post in thread: Is Sol-Ark still sending data to China?

    They have no need to invade us. They already have our dollars. Last I checked they own one trillion in US Treasury debt instruments. The good news is that is still the safest investment and in some bizarre twist they have an incentive to not jeopardize that. They are still on a track to have...
  • Post in thread: LiFePO4 Voltage Chart?

    Yes, I agree, it is not a good idea to hold Lithium at high voltages for a long time. I agree that setting Float depends on use case. My inverter is always on and there is always load on my pack. Therefore since I only charge from solar my float is set at 3.375 v per cell to keep them topped up...
  • Post in thread: Will blasts Chargery

    Sorry to jump into the middle of this conversation but I am new here and have not read the entire thread. The above comment explains exactly why I have been using an Orion Jr. BMS for the past 6 years on two different hybrid inverters with two different packs. The data logging is important to...
  • Post in thread: Adding additional kw without a permit

    You should try to stay within the 1kW extra allowed for export. Have you thought about a hybrid inverter and some storage? I AC coupled my existing GT inverter and added another 3kW of panels but restricted the output of the entire system to be in compliance with my NEM agreement (including the...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark problems by David Poz.. anyone else?

    A while ago Dave Poz admitted he does not know much about this stuff. It does not look like things have changed much. I still watch his videos but he offers no analytical help but I am sure he gets views and revenue from doing this.
  • Post in thread: At what price does LFP storage make it possible to go off-grid?

    My average cost per kWh is $0.20. I have two EVs and need the grid for backup. However my strategy is to self consume as much of my solar production as I am able. I charge my EVs from solar often. My cost per kWh for batteries was $125.
  • Post in thread: Interesting poll results! Sol Ark VS Signature Solar

    Actually it was the user base of SolArk users on DIYSolar that influenced my purchase of a SolArk to replace my Outback inverter with a SolArk. Plus a few other features that the SolArk had.
  • Post in thread: Confusion on meaning of Off Grid vs Grid-tie vs Zero Export

    Those links do not show up on small screens of phones and perhaps some tablets.
  • Post in thread: Lithium Battery Pack EXPLOSION Caught on Camera!!

    The RC hobbyists use flame proof bags to fast charge their helicopter Lipos.
  • Post in thread: Solar as a hobby ROI.

    I am retired, living in a fixed income so solar and batteries have helped my keep my energy costs down. There is also intellectual stimulation from learning and sharing that knowledge with others on forums like this. I built my first Heathkit 63 years ago and this is a nice way to continue that...
  • Post in thread: Issue charging Big Battery Husky Batteries

    I agree and the owner has a dubious ethical background.
  • Post in thread: Charging and discharging simultaneously

    Fortunately the charge controller only sees voltage and the Amps it is delivering to the battery as well as the voltage and curerent it gets from the solar panels. It doesn't know anything about whether there are other things going on with the battery and and anything that is connected to the...