diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    OMG HE DID IT!!!!!! This electrician FIGURED IT OUT!!!!! I am in tears I cannot believe it!!! He said the wiring was a mess and that there was 240 power under there. He said that can kill you. Lucky I did not go tinkering around down there! He was unsure why it was wired for 240, when nothing...
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Ok I will take more tomorrow in the light, thank you for your help! Much appreciated!
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    I DID IT!!! I bought 3 EPOCH 460 amps for my van, wooo hooooo!
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    I am dumb, omg I didnt even think of that it IS a DIY forum, lol. So sorry you are right. I am so out of it, no sleep, shower for 10 days, low food, I cant think straight. This was not the brightest place to post. Honelsty thank you for bringing this to my attention. .... I have no problem...
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    I appreciate your honest words. I have researched for over a month, but I am still not understanding solar much. I do need my solar batteries and parts now, as my builder is waiting to begin on my rig until I get everything. We were suppose to begin 2 weeks ago, and other things I have ordered...
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    OK you guys may have saved me from getting ripped on BB!!
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    Thank you for the opinions, I do appreciate them. However, I will not be swapping out anything, lol. I don't even own a screwdriver at current. lol! I need something plug and play. Also I was hoping for around 1200 amp hours or more with minimal space and weight being taken up as a van doesn't...
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    DId that, two of them had no clue either....... you would think someone would want this challenge who knows they could help......
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    If you are using a wakespeed I guess it changes everything just be sure if you are to take that into account.
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    Wow I have no idea! My van builder is going to build it. I am just getting all the parts. He normally uses battleborn 100 amp as he does small systems. Mine will be his biggest by far but I am hoping its all the same and he knows what he is doing. ;-)
  • Post in thread: Bought a van! Now what? 12 or 48 volt?

    So for delay, my internet has been out since right after I made this post and it will be out again soon! ;-( WOW you are amazing!!! Thank you for being so detailed with the power everything consumes! Awesome! I could not even find a lot of this info!! You referred to "Airco" a lot, and I have...
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    Ohhhhhhhh since i am getting multiplies, it ADDS them up? If I was only getting ONE, then it would matter? I think I understand! Woo slowly but surly I am getting there, lol.
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    I dont think it even hit 32 I AM just freezing. The cerbo I have no idea on, the solar guy that came out months ago was suppost to get something working so he could remote in but he never did.......
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    DON'T JUDGE! I HAVE been trying to figure this out. IT WAS NOT DONE RIGHT so I am having a HELL OF A TIME! ALSO THIS IS A 48 VOLT system IT IS DANGEROUS for someone who has NO clue about any of this!!!! Yeah lets mess with it and kill yourself this is NOT a 12 v system tyvm for not helping and...
  • Post in thread: Bought a van! Now what? 12 or 48 volt?

    Thank you so much for this. I did get a dually so that I don't have to worry about weight as much it's an extended also. I've seen YouTube videos where people with the same band were at 11,000 and they're going to upgrade their suspension with agile off-road I plan to do that as well. I will...
  • Post in thread: Bought a van! Now what? 12 or 48 volt?

    I will look at this link when I get internet thank you. As far as why have a big battery Bank if you can't charge it all off the panels? Well because if you want to drive a few hours to get to a location that you want to stay at a week or two and not drive then you have a huge battery bank with...
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Also hard to watch videos when I have no power which mean no internet. I am in the middle of no where no service....... I have to go to town just to check my internet. I cant leave my girl home alone to long to watch videos and I cannot bring her. You do not know what I am going though. I...
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    I am looking for the video, maybe it was about solar panels? Also did you see my victron list? All look good? Thank you!
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    nope not a clue ;(
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    brooking oregon tiny town
  • Post in thread: Battleborn vs Epoch Batteries (thread migration)

    Does it mean anything that Epoch 460 batter only has 230 Max Continuous Charge and battleborn 270 has 300 Max Continuous Charge? Sounds like BB would charge faster with the second alternator that can go to 280 amps? Thank you.
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    Reading now, so far looks like they are similar.
  • Post in thread: Victron Touch Screen why is it doing this?

  • Post in thread: Is 1380 amp hours too big of a battery bank in a van (3 epoch 460).......

    May I ask how it can make things more complicated if I am using all victron components? Thank you.
  • Post in thread: Is 1380 amp hours too big of a battery bank in a van (3 epoch 460).......

    Do you use victron or something else?
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    Would you get 4 Victron 330 amp, or 3 Epoch 460 amp for a 12 volt van build and why? Someone is trying to talk me into victron batteries saying they are the best to use with victron components. And that other batteries have more issues with the victron system........ They also said the...
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    Opps was a type o. It should have read 4 victron or 3 epoch. I dont understand what I replied to above. But I think the answer is BOTH?? I wil be running most stuff on 12 volt but lots of power 110 when I need it, like cooking stuff and computer. Here is my stuff for inside the van...
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    You are correct, the 330 have to remain upright. Is this bad in a van with the moving and shaking and parking on hills? Or if it is ok for installtion then its all good?
  • Post in thread: Victron Touch Screen why is it doing this?

    Thank you so much!! Ill take photos of the compartment tomorrow. In the meantime how do I get my shunt settings? I did get a new generator 3 months ago. It used to cycle through absorbtion and float but not now. The app doesnt work anymore.......It used to list 2 items here and I clicked on t...
  • Post in thread: Victron 330 amp vs Epoch 460 amp

    Can you please tell me more why? Like the technical aspect? I am not concerned with price. I want an easier to use less likely to break system. Now is it true that would be Victron batteries with Victron components then?