diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Someone over on the Sol-Ark 15k thread just made a great point. Even though the unit doesn't need a transfer switch, he's going to install one anyway. If the unit goes down while there's grid service, he won't have to lose the house while he waits for it to be serviced/repaired...just throw...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you so much, svetz! OK, whoops! Looks like I've inadvertently switched terminologies. I guess it's correct to say I need 6kW per day...not 6kWh? Three 5.12kWh EG4 batteries would cover us for two days? Gosh, this is embarrassing. I'm glad I posted this on the Beginner's forum!
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you again, svetz and Mattb4! There really isn't much user-content out there about the Sol-Ark 15k, so I was commenting on the "beefy" supposed nature of that product vs. the user-content critiques of the 12k. I assumed the 15k was more powerful and could handle placing ahead of the main...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you so much for taking the time sharing all your great ideas, wattmatters! ATS is really important. As I mentioned above, if I'm not here, I don't want my wife having to panic with a flashlight, and understand how to manually switch to backup. Outages freak her out a bit, and I just...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thanks, Shimmy. As I mentioned above, I'm trying to devise a system that's pretty much hand's-off for my wife, in case I'm not here. Gas/propane generators require maintenance, and horsing around. She can't do that, and I don't want to have the system depend upon augmenting with something...
  • Post in thread: Product recommendation: manual transfer switch

    Thanks again, Texican and MagicDiver. I see now that it's a three-position throw on the lever. I looked into the interlock devices, but I could only just find the "plate" with nothing else. I was hoping to find a simple switch that would accomplish everything I needed to do, with a built-in...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    An update on where I'm at: I went to Harbor Freight to look at the clamp-type current meters. Price range from about $25 to $ eyes glazed over, and I didn't know what I was looking at. Before going, I had tried reading instructions online how to calculate amps from a clamp meter, and...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    I got that from the Sol-Ark 15k spec sheet, under the "AC power output" heading. "Continuous AC power to load (Off-grid) -- 12,000W." I'm new to all this, and I misunderstood this.
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    I was wondering if you add a bit more insight into what/how it runs better with a battery? Are you talking about additional battery storage, or some sort of auxiliary battery inside the unit somewhere? Or am I totally misunderstanding, and "they" means your power company? Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    Thank you so much for your continued help. Yes, I know that well pump is the BIG problem. If you only knew how many other systems I've investigated only to find that they are limited to a 30A output! That's why I thought "problem solved" with the Sol-Ark 15k. BTW, a few months back I thought...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Hi everyone -- I've been watching Will's videos for quite some time, and have been researching a specific application of home backup systems for emergencies for three years, ever since we were devastated by Hurricane Michael in 2018. I live in the southeast, and you'd think this would be prime...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    I shouldn't have guesstimated with only five hours into the test, and following a defrost cycle. At the 24-hour mark, the refrig/freezer finished with 2.67kW. I did discover that the back of the metal case of the side-by-side felt cold, so, I may buy some of that reflective bubble-wrap and use...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Actually, it's not really a drinking water problem, or even a shower problem. It's our septic. Yes, we can store some water in buckets to flush the toilets, which we have done in the past, but the problem is compounded by the fact that our septic has a lift station. The lift station pump is...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thanks Shimmy and Bluedog225. My concerns about generators, and me not being here to take care of the heavy/dirty jobs, is planning for my passing. Chances are, my wife will be around in this home for a while after I'm gone, and I'm trying to plan ahead. Breaking away the well pump into a...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    It doesn't have 12k storage?
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    They screwed up when they built our home, and didn't grade the property properly. The first owners completely ruined the septic and drain field because it was originally set up to be gravity-feed, which didn't work. The builder warranted the septic, completely tore out the old one, and...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you very much Mattb4 and svetz. I really appreciate it! What I meant by the performance tracking apps are the ones that you use on your phone, or a standalone module. I can track panels by myself if necessary, without voiding the warranty on my roof. I might have to pay for a service...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thanks again for the link, Mattb4. All of those systems would be in the $28 - 35,000 range installed here. We have a bit of money to invest, here, but I'd like to keep it under $15k.
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    OK, so I totally misunderstood the specs on the Sol-Ark 15k. It says in the manual that it can provide 12kw backup, 15 with PV, so, I naively assumed there was battery storage included. Duh! There is a user thread that I just found that little tidbit. I just watched a user video on YT that...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    So, would that mean that only two batteries can be connected? Or, could a higher number be linked together before tying into the Sol-Ark? Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you!
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    Thank you, Balthazar-B, for investigating that a bit, and for the links. If what I understand about the replacement costs are true, such a project would make the battery backup plans a no-go for us, or at least put it off a while longer. It was installed new when the house was built in 2004...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    If I can find someone to install, I was thinking of three EG4's. It won't work with 15kWh?
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Hopefully we'll never have another hurricane, but if you'd seen this area afterwards, you'd rethink the water tank idea. I need to come up with a system that's hand's off for my wife. I lol'ed at your telemarketing! Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    We've had it serviced twice over the past 17 years we've lived here, replacing the heater element. I was told by the last serviceman to keep this one running as long as we can (it's a GE circa 2004). He said the newer models have lots of bells and whistles, but most of them need servicing...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you, svetz. I've already done all those energy calculations...that's why I know that 12kWh will hold us for about two days, in "survival mode."
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    I just checked the spec sheet. It says "100A constant." It's the one Will recommends in his videos.
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thank you very much, Mattb4 and svetz, for your additional help to get my calculations closer. I'm trying my best to wrap my head around all this, and what's described is the reason I added about 25% overhead "slop" to account for stuff I just don't understand! I've watched Will's videos for a...
  • Post in thread: Help with home battery backup system

    Thanks, svetz -- I was just looking at those flexible panels, blankets, etc., this afternoon. Unfortunately, they just don't put out the voltage to meet the requirements of the larger standalone systems. Bluedog225 -- a generator still requires maintenance, and tanks need fillups, which we...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15k Operational Impressions?

    Three five ones.