diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Signature Solar Sales/Discounts ... do they do this often or is this Really a Sale?

    Also if solar assistant is anywhere in the house it will sneak into the room with the unit and slaughter it during the night... Just ask SS tech support :)
  • Post in thread: Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?

    You preach it brother!!! Sungold Forever !!!!!!!!!
  • Post in thread: Anyone else turn off PV on purpose?

    Another hot tub vote. As an owner of one it has to be the single largest waste of energy ever devised by man.
  • Post in thread: Bad storm came thru and powers out for 1/2 the county

    Powers back ! Also people keep pulling into my yard asking about my solar setup :)
  • Post in thread: How long can you (and your family) survive if the grid went down for an extended period?

    Ok your clueless here. Ive got the same diesel in one of my trucks for the last 14 years and I move it around from time to time so its still running fine. Ive got a tractor thats running on the same fuel from 13 years ago. I just burned some brush with diesel out of a 50 gallon barrel that has...
  • Post in thread: Post your Ground Mount Setup

    Still getting mine put together. First rack done with 2 450watt renogy panels. -------------- Second rack with 3 255 watt panels beside the first rack and one laying propped up beside it. Im about 100 yards from it when I took the pic so this is zoomed in on the pic of it. Second rack...
  • Post in thread: 2024 YouTube Video Ideas

    I think a video or series on monitoring system choices. Solar Assistant and also cover the ones provided by the companies making the aio's. Start delving into the home assistant and the like to show people what can be done with their systems. Once a systems up and running the monitoring...
  • Post in thread: How many batteries

    I look at batteries being how much you can afford more than worrying about having too many of them :)
  • Post in thread: What is so hard to understand about Do laundry during the day!!

    My wife is the kind that calls friends and family when the grids down to inform them we have power still and while they don't.... I loves my wife :)
  • Post in thread: Cool pics from spammer this morning :)

    A spammer posted these this morning and got deleted but I snagged the pics before they deleted the thread. Figured I'd put them here... I thought they looked cool.
  • Post in thread: Noise level of inverters, etc.?

    If you take the time to point out a computer not having a fan you do NOT want an inverter in the house. Outbuilding for sure in your case.
  • Post in thread: Caution Before Purchasing Victron from XYZ Distributor!

    After seeing the eggo helping him and he has waited a year on this one I wouldn't think he was out of line posting his review here in my opinion.
  • Post in thread: 2kW Garage Power Supply

    Well now your addicted. It just gets fancier and more expensive from here :)
  • Post in thread: (2) 24v Bigbattery Litium Ion

    I would add the details from your marketplace ad in here directly since no one can see it unless they are logged into facebook. Not everyone uses facebook.
  • Post in thread: Feast or Famine, The off grid solar dilemma.

    We did without grid electricity once and the wife and I said never again. Thats why we couldn't understand the first "solar" users we knew since they had to watch everything they did to get thru the night. Not long after the wife and I got married we rented a house that the previous occupants...
  • Post in thread: BAD BAD NEWS Signature Solar EG4 Plug N Cool Solar Hybrid ...Customer Punished for Factory Mistake

    I can't believe no one at SS caught this and told the guy he had what he needed in place of causing all of this drama to start with if this is what happened. Wait... I do believe it. They probably never got thru the steps on the blame the customer how to sheet to get to the point of helping him.
  • Post in thread: Alternator that produces AC power?

    Alternator's are finicky devices. They fry easy if the voltage gets away from them (fuse blows, wire melts, bms kicks in and disconnects, etc) and they don't deal well with long term high loads. Dual alternators are usually the way to go and stick with DC. The best usage I have found for them is...
  • Post in thread: Nothing like planning everything out or thinking your set to have it turned upside down

    I'm not sure the exact height. Anything over 10 feet ladder wise might as well be 1000 feet to me :) I know my gorilla ladder is 30 feet stretched out fully and it won't reach the second floor outside the house. The house has 10 foot ceilings I think. When going up the stairs to the second...
  • Post in thread: Addicted to Solar (forum)

    Hmm grateful for cloud cover.... no pics of panels in his pics..... We may have a non believer here folks :)
  • Post in thread: Ordered a few 450 watt Renogy panels the sequel (Quest for panels Part II)

    Well good news the panels arrived and the nice delivery people toted the panels to the field for me and put them in place. I have them going and they seem to be producing well but I don't have any real data yet. I'll share the reasons on that part in a few days :) So far they look nice and...
  • Post in thread: Just finished adding the last circuit to the solar setup

    Well not really news worthy to most but to me it was the final straw to finishing my primary solar setup. I moved the last heat pump (mini split) over to solar. So the entire house except for the stove, hot water heater, dryer and a few kitchen outlets are all on solar now. I will be adding...
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    I wasn't going to say anything else on it after suggesting it might be unwise but you mentioning the fire I will share a bit of why I'm a bit on the cautious side. My home burned down many years ago from an electrical fire. The wiring in the wall failed and flames came out of the wall from it...
  • Post in thread: Tip and warning for Sungold TP6048 users.

    I ran into a problem that others on the forum had and I got it fixed so I wanted to share. First a warning. If you own a Sungold TP6048 DO NOT disconnected the removable displays rj45 connector without first disconnecting it from ALL power sources. I mean AC in, DC in aka batteries, AND solar...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar refuses to honor a warranty for a defective product! (And Solar Assistant Discussion)

    How damn hard is it to send out an company email to all employees that says "Solar Assistant doesn't void warranty. You can state we don't support it but quit telling customers it voids the warranty! Failure to follow this new policy will result in you being fired." I think that might solve the...
  • Post in thread: Walmart selling Chins for $266

    The biggest headache in fooling with these to me is the lack of consistency. I want all my batteries to be identical when I start buying them for the main house usage. But I don't want to buy all of them at once. Its not a real priority so spending that much at one time just isn't worth it to...
  • Post in thread: Eg4 inverter future

    Can I use Solar Assistant? Solar Assistant is not a supported accessory for the 6000XP, and we do not recommend using it. ------------- Priceless ?
  • Post in thread: Victron is 10 times as expensive as Voltronic

    The problem with a "site" doing what your asking for is the lack of data. 1. Manufacturers lie. Especially in the cheap china line of things. Everything they sell is awesome and will make your life better. 2. End users tend to lie too. People are not known to say "Dawn I sure was stupid buying...
  • Post in thread: Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    Something no ones mentioned that I think kind of makes there being a minimum charge completely fair and even common sense is that this is no different than you having cable tv. Cable company could care less if you watch it or not. They have to provide it being there if you want to watch it. If...
  • Post in thread: SunGoldPower-----Buyer Beware

    They had mine diagnosed and the part shipped within 40 minutes. That is far from non-supporting.
  • Post in thread: Ok, so i always treat my customers like family...

    AWESOME! It's always wonderful when you have something happen that lets you know you were appreciated. Also we MUST have PICTURES!!!!!