diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: How many batteries

    On my tp6048 I only have one battery. I normally see about 36 amps or less being pulled from it when its running on the battery. Mine is setup basically as a ups for now since one battery isn't enough to go full time running on the battery :) I calculated for my usage I need 4 batteries to get...
  • Post in thread: Problems Setting up a Cerbo GX on a Raspberry Pi with MacBook Pro laptop

    The gold adapters go on the end of the wires that are for the external antennas. (external antenna's cable with sma connector)> (sma gold adapter cables you bought ts9 male plug) > (mifi antenna female ts9 hole)
  • Post in thread: Elon Musk has a new solar panel

    Has anyone seen this?
  • Post in thread: EG4 Solar Charge Controller MPPT | 500VDC 100A | MPPT100-48HV sets Code F01

    Which part?
  • Post in thread: Victron is 10 times as expensive as Voltronic

    That depends on if you like your car stolen or not :) Google usb kia tiktok challenge.
  • Post in thread: Mc4 do they fit on a 8 gauge wire

    Here is a set that fit 8 awg wires.
  • Post in thread: Anyone using LoRa Meshtastic for comms?

    Heltec LoRa32 V3
  • Post in thread: MPP-Solar LVX-6048 Solarpower App

    I was having problems with my tp6048 not showing history correctly but setting the time on the unit fixed it. Otherwise it has worked well so far. I have a virtual machine running under a proxmox server in the house here with android x86 running on it. I have the app installed in the virtual...
  • Post in thread: Ordered a few 450 watt Renogy panels the sequel (Quest for panels Part II)

    Well my panels are "out for delivery" with a delivery time of 8 am to 11 am.... Its 11:08 am :) They are supposed to call 30 minutes before arriving. Haven't heard from the driver. Did get a call wanting to know if I would fill out a survey on the delivery. I'm like suuuure when its been...
  • Post in thread: Oasesenergy 12V 100Ah LiFePO4 Battery Any Good? $199 Amazon

    Glue might not be to hard to dislodge if needed. Heat alone might do it. Not a plus for them with anything I said but a possible solution if needing to replace the cells.
  • Post in thread: Get a free electrician simulator game right now if you have amazon prime

    Nope This is the game on steam which isn't free of course but its the right game so you can see what it looks like :
  • Post in thread: EV battery output connected to inverter solar input

    Remember that guy was using a dead hybrid for power. Considering how fragile the things are I wouldn't tinker with one that ran and or you want to keep running :)
  • Post in thread: Little confused on SA (orange pi 3 lts) to 6500ex cable?

    I used the network looking cable that came with my tp6048 and its plugged into an rs232 to usb converter from amazon which is then plugged into a usb port on the pi.
  • Post in thread: Sunpower 6.5kwh Guts

    I just spent a good bit surfing for info on that battery and pretty much found zilch for useful info. It seems to be something your not supposed to have unless you bought a package from a dealer and they installed it. I did find it for sale used a bunch of places though. So hardly any info out...
  • Post in thread: My hot tub uses 49% of my electricity per month...lets fix that.

    All the ones around here are using salt to replace adding chlorine.
  • Post in thread: Almost equal 12v panels

    I agree they should work pretty well. All you have to look for in series is the amps. Volts are added so amps are the key.
  • Post in thread: A small project going the usual way....

    I can wire up solar, rebuild a car engine, build a server rack and prevision it for any corporation on planet earth..... But I'm getting my butt handed to me trying to install window blinds !!!! I can't make heads nor tails out of these chinese directions. It shows how to lock the things in...
  • Post in thread: Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    Oh it makes sense from their stand point. They make all profit with no money spent on support and no headaches. Any flack about problems can be isolated to the distributor and all blame they can lay at their feet. Sucks for the end users.
  • Post in thread: Axial Flux Generator

    How much falling height, head do you have is what matters with hydro. If you don't have much of that your not going to make any meaningful power. I looked into this at my old house but couldn't get far enough back up above the generation point to make it worth the effort at the time. I'm not...
  • Post in thread: Preparing for the heat...

    70% to 78% seems comfortable to me. 60's are a bit dry and 50 and below irritates my sinuses but I imagine that will vary from person to person. 30% and lower is considered bad for your health from what I read online when I was wondering if it would be a problem.
  • Post in thread: Problems Setting up a Cerbo GX on a Raspberry Pi with MacBook Pro laptop

    Looks good.
  • Post in thread: Aims Corp 6kw 120/240 Split Phase Inverter That will handle the turning it off after x amount of time. Get two of them and have the 2nd one control the power of the first one to keep if off for x amount of...
  • Post in thread: Putting Lipstick on a Pig - Fixing the camp! (Photo heavy)

    First that that pops out to me is it showing soc at 100%.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    I have mine connected via network cable.
  • Post in thread: Do you regret roof mounting your panels?

    Im going roof first then ground mount in the field. The reason is the roofs are not easily seen from the neighbors homes and thus are not easy bb gun targets :) No this hasn't a problem but why temp fate. Once the field has a 6 foot or higher privacy fence surround it (waiting to save up enough...
  • Post in thread: TO BE…..OR NOT TO BE….without.

    Swamps Injectors from back when they were the best :) php tunes did the tunes. Both kept telling me at the time its "mostly stock" yeah right. Things scary. I can lock it in 4wd and push the peddle down at 20 mph and it just spins right off the road sideways. I'm installing caltracs on the...
  • Post in thread: BAD BAD NEWS Signature Solar EG4 Plug N Cool Solar Hybrid ...Customer Punished for Factory Mistake

    Yep looking at these two sites its the same thing. vs The 9k isn't shown in the...
  • Post in thread: How long can you (and your family) survive if the grid went down for an extended period?

    Wow, sorry to hear that. Never burned the stuff and didn't know it was impossible to see either.
  • Post in thread: EG4 Solar Charge Controller MPPT | 500VDC 100A | MPPT100-48HV sets Code F01

    From the manual page 9. Solar Charging Mode INVERTER MODEL BluePower TP6048 Max. PV Array Open Circuit Voltage 450 Vdc PV Array MPPT Voltage Range 120~430Vdc MPP Number 1 So 430vdc mppt range but it can safely take 450 volts.
  • Post in thread: Modbus and epever

    Solar Assistant is supposed to have epever support this year. I waiting on them to release it and I will be adding another orange pi 3 lts with SA on it for handling my dual 4215bn's.