diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    Said govt is seeming unaware of this.
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    I expect no less from a coastal Californian. 🤣
  • Post in thread: Looking for Chinglish to English translator.

    This is your owners manual.
  • Post in thread: How much do your panels produce when it is overcast and raining?

    My panels only have 2 modes of efficiency. Can make coffee at 5am. Need more Gas for Genny.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    Fitting day for the 1 year anniversary of the MPPT test. The goal of said test was to determine with lazy scientific methodology if there was an advantage to allowing the turbine to gain inertia without the constant load of the 24v applied voltage but rather to let the charge controller...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    There are a few threads on CME/EMP you can search. Some find the subject worth discussing. Some prefer ignorance; it is bliss.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The new slogan from the San Francisco board of tourism. FREE SHIT! THE SIDEWALK NEAREST YOU!
  • Post in thread: Robotic Lawn Mower

    Urban legend states the reason they put those safety handles on push mowers, is because some guy tried to trim his hedges with one. They call him Lefty now. Sorry for the tangent Oz. Back to your regularly scheduled program.
  • Post in thread: Found Catalog where I bought my Y2K system

    I spent my solar money on a VCR.
  • Post in thread: SHOW ME YOUR MEGAWATTS!

    Someone has to have 1.21 Gigawatts.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I think Ray Epps and the other 200 undercover fibs incited a lot more people than a speech did.
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Correction: There are 11 million children who get free lunches. NOT the same. These children would be better off if their parents knew how to plant a garden, no? Easy to show the receipts that you have donated all of your income above poverty level to help the starving waifs. If you're going to...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    Perfect example of normalcy bias. Store shelves get bare during every winter storm and hurricane. Nothing ground to a halt during 2020; the shelves were empty because of panic buying not real shortages. Unfortunately, the DOD disagrees with "we will get by".
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I am beginning to wonder whether I'm talking to MSNBC or an AI in training.
  • Post in thread: Sooo... its 12F outside, my power is out until tomorrow night...

    Personally, I hope it continues to meander until @Supervstech starts to complain about the heat or the complete magnetic pole reversal kills the internet for good. Whichever comes first.
  • Post in thread: Does Solar Pay for Itself? Is it worth it?

    Buy more Lipos before the WEF realizes that cargo ships burn 5000 gallons of diesel per hour.
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    The thousands of years to extract the minerals from the earth for those EVil batteries not withstanding, of course. We could dig more holes for lithium and cobalt and... but the same folks that want EVs don't want more holes in the ground because they will disturb the nesting grounds of the...
  • Post in thread: Why is everyone ignoring Vivek Ramasamy, clearly the best candidate.

    He says nearly all the right things to me. A few things I don't agree with, which i can't iterate ATM. Will he actually do them? Will the deep state take him out?Anybodies guess. Some things about him that bother me: He claims he has never been political, but the video of young him and Pete...
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    This one belongs to one of my clients. It is approximately the same swept area. I re-engineered the CC for it after their previous solar contractor thought one of the phase wires was a neutral and bonded it to the system. Smoked everything. The mast is 3" sch 40 pipe embedded in 64 cu ft of...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    That will all be solved as Cali raises the minimum wage to $75 per hour. It'll all be fine.
  • Post in thread: We Live to Fight Another Day. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    You are partially correct. I have had only mild interest in space weather since 2013 or so. *I am aware of regular radio disruptions.* Understanding how much exponential loss has occurred in the earth's geomagnetic field has my attention. I'm sure you understand the weaker our protection from...
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    The only way that will get permitted is if the Pelosi/Newsom crime family are majority stakeholders. Poor Sonny Bono will be rolling over in his grave.
  • Post in thread: Science based discussion on charging LiFePO4 below 32°F

    If only there were someone who started a DIY solar forum and constantly gets free batteries sent to them for review that would donate some Guinee pig batteries for real world testing of such matters... ?
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Normalcy bias is a remarkable psychological mechanism, until it isn't. Follow the herd.
  • Post in thread: Emergency Power

    If one could define an emergency as 24 hours or more without power, I would definitely concentrate on storing some of that well water above ground.
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    China seems to be content with inserting DNA sequences into critters.
  • Post in thread: Solar preparation for the crazyness that is coming.

    Certainly not how a Constitutional republic is supposed to be. Maybe what is has become.. The people should have the capacity to immediately remove a representative that doesn't abide by their wishes. While democracy is pure mob rule. What we have now are politicians who try to find cracks in...
  • Post in thread: Solar preparation for the crazyness that is coming.

    Too much popping off globally. It's difficult to know if we are still in the steady drip-drip or the train has apexed and just hasn't gained enough speed to say with a certainty that it is indeed coming off the rails. Continued economic collapse is most looming. Things are changing and will get...
  • Post in thread: Solar preparation for the crazyness that is coming.

    Agreed. One of the few things I am not immediately concerned with. No health issues, no meds.
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    On the contrary, my friend. Home power generation is a reality. You are free to negotiate prices for the power lines, transformers, and other accoutrement needed for your lifestyle with your provider. Leave me and my anti-socialist tax-dollars out of your equations.