diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by MajicDiver

  1. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    If a product fits for me, I could careless who else uses it or what anybody thinks of it We’ve been off grid completely for almost a year with large home and no need for a generator (which I have) with two Growatt 11.4 version 2 MIN-US inverters and ARO batteries - lot of people don’t like the...
  2. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Curious what inverter model specifically you are referring to by “on grid Growatts”?
  3. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    Not sure why you are puzzled- the path started by Carter and continued by Reagan, Clinton and 2nd Bush - the path of subsidizing research and development of methods of increasing fossil fuel production - read about “The Nonconventional Fuels (Section 29) Tax Credit went into effect in 1980“ and...
  4. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    Agreed. The simple fact of the matter is in this country we place a higher value on quality of life than the Chinese and some other societies - most of Russian society being another large example. But, it is my prediction that we in this country are quickly getting to the point where we will...
  5. MajicDiver

    Video that puts American vs Chinese solar manufacturing into perspective

    I fail to see what opportunity was missed? Consider when the first internal combustion engines were conceived and “built” and when automobiles came into widespread use. Centuries. Even in these modern days technology takes much time to develop. The lithium battery chemistry most of us are...
  6. MajicDiver

    Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    We are loosing the south too………
  7. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    I’d be calling them, I also found them to be very responsive to emails.
  8. MajicDiver

    Off grid but still receive a utility bill

    I was not intending to be derogatory towards him, sorry. I totally understand, and solar is expensive unless subsidized in some manner. What the power company does is very expensive also. At $24 per month, expect it to get to 3 to 4 times that or more in some areas eventually as grid tied...
  9. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Curious who ordered first? It would be interesting/educational if the difference is due to differences in date of order
  10. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    My understanding from one of their people who was answering some battery questions I had is that they did not get them into their warehouse until last week and began shipping Friday.
  11. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Ok, use it to charge batteries on an ac coupled inverter, what they call in the diagram “grid connected inverter “.
  12. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    I also do not know what “smart load” actually does, need to read manual and see it it gives many clues. For us, the “dump load” is manually setting the mini splits to 62 when it’s hot and sunny and let the schedule set them back when sun starts setting- we spend most of daytime outside, it’s...
  13. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    Not if you are off grid. In my personal experience, to be off grid year round and “Never” need to use a generator, you must have significantly more battery and PV than you need >90% of the time. Typically our batteries are at 100% before lunch, in mild weather it’s about an hour. If we were...
  14. MajicDiver

    New Growatt hybrid inverter SPH10000TL- HU-US split phase

    When grid goes down, home load side goes down also.