diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Solar has been hijacked/co opted. A wakeup?

    From my reading, the early days of solar were adventurous 'stick it to the man' types. Offgrid/ back to the land... Now, it's more of "I can save $ .01 by tieing into grid, get some subsidies/grants from government. Meaning, someone else's money. Is this pretty much in line with all the anti...
  • Post in thread: Low surge, energy efficient dishwashers for off grid use?

    Or, wash by hand seems simpler. Offgrid has to cost you something.
  • Post in thread: Solar panel wiring

    Yes, that seems to be the question. or, wing it and burn shit down.
  • Post in thread: Hi from Western Canada

    Winter has arrived, hence indoor Youtube watching!! Good job Will, getting ahead of the deplatforming trend?. New cargo trailer to RV/ survival build from scratch, build it before I need it. Given the seasons here, build season is winding down. Van to RV to house. Congrats!! Keep telling it like...
  • Post in thread: Samlex Inverter pin type lugs

    Thanks, I found just that (the power posts, they call terminal blocks) at the local supply house!!
  • Post in thread: Solar has been hijacked/co opted. A wakeup?

    My one time thought rolled for 13 pages. My little solar trailer project was ALL about preparedness/ resilience separate from ANY government. Just like the '60s hippies" did. Now, it's about rebates n broke gov, from people who take your dollar, n give a penny back. I'm disappointed.
  • Post in thread: Solar isn't magical

    Not related to any post, just hopefully a bit of reality. Everyone has their reason to 'do' solar. 1. Free power: after you spend a fortune to get it. 2. Green: Well, green 'here'. Bout the same as 'recycling'.Ask the 6 year old mining it in the congo how they feel about it.That doesn't include...
  • Post in thread: Coming Energy Prices …..

    More berkely academia blather.. Live offgrid awhile, or get your mouth of of the gov teat,
  • Post in thread: Coming Energy Prices …..

    Stop debating with people who live this life (not me, I'm new at it), with your esoteric views.
  • Post in thread: Wire and lug suppliers for Canadians

    Depending on where you are, those items should be found at most industrial supply places. Acklands- Grainger etc. Ask a local welder/heavy truck repair place where they source that kind of stuff.
  • Post in thread: How I keep my trailer warm in subzero temperatures with Chinese diesel heaters.

    Winter rated diesel simply means higher kerosene: diesel ratio. Kero IS harder on pump due to low lubricity. I put one in my build, as a backup. I'm ordering another now, cheaper than parts heh. Main source is the mini woodstove. No power required, other than my labour
  • Post in thread: top balancing required?

    Basically charge them separate, hook up?
  • Post in thread: Battery charger for Lithium battery.

    NoCo Genius
  • Post in thread: Why do LED lights flicker when the fridge comes on?

    Anything labeled rv is disposable/ questionable, starting with the actual rv.
  • Post in thread: Solar isn't magical

    'Renewable' is a dead end for any kind of societal first world life. I've accepted that. I spent money w zero return, financially. We agree. If it works in specific personal circumstance, awesome. It does for me.
  • Post in thread: Coming Energy Prices …..

    FFS, go back to your Berkeley professor gig n stfu. It's MY money, to give or hoard. Government has NO money. "Caring society"? Says who?? Spend every penny you have, caring. Leave my money/ life energy out of your equation.
  • Post in thread: Voltage discrepancy query

    Standard useless input ( your norm). Thanks no thanks.
  • Post in thread: New SOK concern

    That's a charging voltage chart, not resting. Don't trust it.
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    Not here to bust your bubble, but, no. The unicorn you seek is not out there. Sorry for being real. Minisplits are are as close as you get, withought kicking up the fossil fuelled gen as needed. Simply physics, friend.
  • Post in thread: Voltage drop

    An answer only leads to more questions heh. AC or DC, the wire doesn't care, yah? It's all about amps? This MC4 solar cabling, what gauge is that? Cheaper/ better to buy a roll of wire, connectors etc, and build myself? Or, is MC4 just the connector? Frankly, I'd rather build my own from quality...
  • Post in thread: Coming Energy Prices …..

    No financial guru would recommend solar. Creating this 'free green energy' fuks the planet. It simply fuks the planet somewhere far away. I choose it for offgrid survival, when the system crashes. Personal pricey choice, away from gov/utilities etc. Large scale solar simply means MORE taxes wasted.
  • Post in thread: Would Heat on Back of Solar Panels Avoid Rise in VOC?

    What region are you in? My 800 watt roof/40 amp SCC (mobile) rolls 90+ temps in summer, typical -30 in winter. Voltage in summer high 80s, winter hit 102ish. I have 120 degree temperature differential, only creating a +- 15 volt difference.That 150 volt max issue may be relevant, if you live on...
  • Post in thread: Can I pull both 12v and 24v from a battery bank?

    I'm no expert, they will chime in shortly. A 12 volt to 24 volt dc converter would work (like zero breeze AC) wiring from output side of battery bank, through converter. They're fairly cheap.
  • Post in thread: True SOC

    I kick up my 14.6 volt/ 26 amp NOCO charger monthly, from 'shore' power ( gen or house). Simpler than chznging settingz for a day.
  • Post in thread: Hi from Western Canada

    Spent first summer insulating/ sealing it up, rubber roof. Cargo trailers aren't exactly airtight. This year FRP walls, and my Cubic Mini woodstove. Now can do inside stuff over winter. Slower than projected, since no more wood going in. Aluminum for weight/ longevity/ moisture. Limited by my...
  • Post in thread: Solar isn't magical

    I remember the first time I kicked on the lights w no gen running. It WAS magical.
  • Post in thread: Low Temp Heating Strategy in Remote Cold

    Sask prairie winter last year. LifePo4 CHARGING above 0 issues, not using it. Mine fired up my diesel heater (12 amps)fine after a week of true -30 +windchill. I tried the heat pad, and got a dead battery. Not advice, just my experience
  • Post in thread: Surviving on a short bus

    Cubic mini, floor or wall mount. Mine is on the wall. Have diesel heater as well
  • Post in thread: Space heater

    So, you want to run your 'emergency' system, creating the most inefficient heat you can, making zero difference in room heat?? Running batteries down everyday?? The heat isn't really free. The cost is simply deferred.
  • Post in thread: Matt's simple off grid rule of thumb to power a AC load via battery bank using solar power.

    Try a winter season before you go too crazy. My first winter (southern Sask), I made fine power in the clear sunny -30.