diy solar

diy solar

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  • Solar Assistant can't see second inverter's USB connection

    Hi, I have two MPP Solar PIP5048MKX inverters, and have connected them to a Raspberry Pi running Solar Assistant, each inverter has its own USB cable connected to the Raspberry Pi (admittedly by 15m of 'active' USB extension cables). Solar Assistant says that only one of the inverters is...
  • Filling in gaps between ground mounted solar panels to prevent water

    Hi, I have 12kW of ground mounted solar panels, two rows of ten Canadian Solar 595W. I store bags of sand and cement under them, under a tarpaulin, and crates of assorted household 'junk'. When I mounted the panels, I left a 1-2cm gap between them, because I thought it would allow some of the...
  • UK board level inverter repairs?

    Since I am still waiting for MPP Solar to send me replacement boards for my faulty PIP5048MKX inverters (which are only giving out about a quarter to a third of the PV that my panels should be generating, until they get above 3kW or thereabouts), does anybody know of a UK company that does board...
  • What's the maximum kW your DNO allows you to export? (U.K. only question)

    I've pretty much given up the idea of exporting to the grid, because Octopus used to offer 25p per kWh, but now they are only offering 15p per kWh, and I am wondering how many kW the National Grid (my DNO) would allow me to export. I can do around 10kW for much of the day on a sunny day in...
  • Can you run a wind turbine and PV on a Deye / Sunsynk inverter?

    I'm reading up about the Deye 8kW single phase inverter as fast as I can, but I'm not sure whether you can run a wind turbine AND PV at the same time with one. Does anybody here know? (ps I just wanted to say a big 'thank you' to everybody here for all the help you've given me and others over...