diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: 2nd Buy from Amy Wan/Luyuan

    8X LF280K "EV, Grade A" cells, bus bars, cell dividers, JBD BMS + UART to USB interface. Order paid for on 1/18/2024 Order shipped 2/28/2024 (was supposed to ship before Chinese new year - about 3 week slip) Order received 3/25/2024 67 days to receive order. The snag was the JBD BMS I...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Chargeverter Adjustable 43-57V charge voltage. 54V default. 57/16= 3.5625V/cell = more than enough to get fully charged Additionally, who wants to fully charge with generator anyway? You only want to run the...
  • Post in thread: Disappointing EVE 280K Results

    These are grey market cells. They don't meet some requirement for use in EV. More often than not, it's capacity. It doesn't take much looking on this forum to find that this experience is the norm. We are not being sold premium EV cells that meet data sheets for a small fraction of what the...
  • Post in thread: Electric oven

    Based on this attitude, the answer is no.
  • Post in thread: Cheapest 48v 50ah battery I've found so far. $409.99 free shipping

    I have negative infinity need for this, but I want to buy it. What is wrong with me?
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    Your inability to interpret basic information and simple arithmetic shouldn't be confused with me somehow being foggy. You know that solar flares aren't magic, right? It's just more sun. The only question is how much and for how long. Can you read or interpret technical data? Where do you...
  • Post in thread: Are bi-facials supposed to be flimsy and flex like a fun-house mirror?

    Those panels have exceeded their flex rating.
  • Post in thread: Victron Lithium "Smart" Battery (BMS Sold Separately)

    I think inappropriate thoughts about my Victron stuff, but "no thank you" to their batteries.
  • Post in thread: What’s the best inverter?

    Updating for Shane... Wow. Cell #3 has truly dropped to crap. Evening loads triggered a LVD BMS shutdown. I suspect #3 IR has skyrocketed. The only good news is that the freezer started without triggering the inverter LVD this morning. ? This morning's charging drove cell #3 to HVD very...
  • Post in thread: Any feedback on[users]=sunshine_eggo&o=date 3 of 5 of those results are relevant. :)
  • Post in thread: Victron MPPT over panelling

    HUH? You know I hate to argue with you, but I think we disagree here... They publish two rules, both values are published in the MPPT datasheets: Array must never exceed Voc (100V in this case) even in cold conditions. Array short circuit current, Isc, should not exceed PV input current...
  • Post in thread: What's the best solar-related item you bought in 2023?

    A pure grid tie OUTPUTS the claimed AC power. A hybrid OUTPUTS the claimed DC power, not AC. Big difference. Regardless... I have zero patience or sympathy for someone affected by this "misleading" designation. Read the fucking specifications. If you don't, or you don't understand them, you...
  • Post in thread: Dad Jokes (let's hear your worst! ;-)

    Just read about a feudal uprising where a duke's son was killed by rebels. They used a trebuchet to knock him off the battlements with the only available ordnance: a peasant's decapitated head.
  • Post in thread: Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    EXCEPT that they have been a substantial and positive contributor to this forum for nearly four years whose gender and profession aren't relevant.
  • Post in thread: 18 month DIY project finally done: 39kW inverter power off grid system

    Overkill is underrated. 😁
  • Post in thread: Hey Timselectric

    @timselectric - one of the many people on this board I wouldn't argue with, because I'm probably wrong... :p
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Just wanted to comment on a couple of the above in case you're not aware: 1) if your hot water heater runs on propane (can't imagine it doesn't), make sure you run it on propane (turn the W/H breaker off). This is an energy hog and will empty your batteries pretty quickly unless you manage it...
  • Post in thread: LFP cells gone bad

    You literally just expressed your lack of common sense. A human BMS has a 100% failure rate. Everything else you said is irrelevant.
  • Post in thread: Avoid HQST!

    You've said your peace. Please refrain from essentially making identical posts in other threads. Cross posting is at a minimum poor forum etiquette. That out of the way... To give you a comparison, a Battleborn user saw his battleborn battery drop to about 50Ah of capacity simply because...
  • Post in thread: Thinking about wind?

    Even then... sanity check it here: The arrow indicates the maximum amount of power available in a swept area of moving air. Assuming 30% efficient, 12mph will produce 120W: Shows about 150W - so likely more than 30% efficient, but 120W...
  • Post in thread: Solar has been hijacked/co opted. A wakeup?

    Average miles driven per year is about 14,263 miles. If EVs are going to replace gas cars, they will be driven the same way and distances. A model 3 gets 4.56 miles per kWh 14263/4.56 = 3.1kWh or 3.1MWh/year. That's a 25-30% increase.
  • Post in thread: Newbie just starting

    Come on now... it's more fun to tell him to go spend another $8K on the overpriced batteries he already has... just as an attention getter... The constructive conversation happens AFTER they crap their pants a little. :P
  • Post in thread: Is the Victron Multiplus 12/2000 worth the extra bucks?

    No. Every time I visit the site, it's with a shortcut that only displays new posts with 0 replies. ;) Of course I pounce on anything with Victron in the thread. :P
  • Post in thread: Going back and doing it right.

    Have you been looking in my shipping container? Friends and neighbors? Sure! No problem. People on this forum? Shit no.
  • Post in thread: Inverter to run 5 ton AC

    Running a 5 ton isn't such a big deal. Starting one is a nightmare. Recommend you investigate installing a soft-starter to reduce surge.
  • Post in thread: Going slightly over the max MPPT voltage

    Our reaction to Voc limits:
  • Post in thread: highest efficiency inverter

    There is no such thing as a "Victron Venus." There is a Phoenix. "efficiency" is misleading. It is a MAXIMUM, and it only exists at one point on the power curve - usually about 30% of continuous rating. 100W on a 300W inverter is likely to be at nearly the maximum efficiency. 100W on a 3000W...
  • Post in thread: Which server rack battery has fewest issues: SOK, Trophy, or Jackiper?

    My impression of Jakiper on this forum is that they should be avoided. I would throw EG4 a 2nd place with SOK/Trophy mostly tied for first.
  • Post in thread: Panel Mount, your thoughts?

    I get queasy when the mount is notably more expensive than the panels.
  • Post in thread: Required Action for all users: Disable all email notifications right now! Thank you

    There was a thread discussing it. Basically, the email volume is so large, it's costing him $1,000/month. People are flagging notifications as spam and getting the server blacklisted. It can't be switched off at the server. The forum software doesn't allow it. Given that you've only been...