diy solar

diy solar

Continuing DIY or give up DIY to buy already assembled battery?

My original "cheap and cheerful" DIY pack of used golf-cart LiFePO4s is on its last legs, even being treated gently :(

I just ordered two of Luyuan's 280Ah battery packs.

But ordered as kits to avoid assembly and testing fees (I asked Amy for the cheapest solution), this I'm quite capable of doing myself.

Grade B cells with DDP shipping to Thailand - $3774
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An hour is huge stretch but yes it can be a big savings if your up to it.
Even if you have lot of experience and all the tools it will take a several hours to get everything cut, drilled mounted, plus fabrication of brackets etc for fixation, then the wiring of the BMS, breaker, fuse holder, cutting cables and doing the crimping.

If you have very little experience and no tools it's going to be a whole different ballgame, a lot more time learning as you go plus added money to buy tools. Also there is the unknowns of dealing with the Cell Vendors and the lack of any warranty or support.
Another issue with 280A cells is that the Pack ends up weighting 300lbs!
You better have some strong friends to help you with this project.

DIY is a great cost savings solution for those that have the skills and time but in this case the Op made it clear that even building a 4S pack was not a great experience for him.
Yes, for me, it may take several times or even ten times as long as others, because when I obtain the theoretical knowledge, I will search for verification again from other places, which will also lead to slower theoretical learning.
But if I am determined to go ahead with the DIY 16S project, maybe I should find a technical friend to help me before buying batteries and materials.
I’m more comfortable with the reliability and safety of my DIY batteries. I recently commented in another post that commercially made batteries are getting better, and eventually the DIY battery will be a curiosity akin to owning a Heathkit radio that still functions. I’d draw a parallel to ham radio gear. My grandfather built his gear from scratch but today that’s unheard of. It’s just a matter of time.
I think that time is already here!
This forum represents only a part of the estimated 2% of the people that do DIY solar and even on here it is a only a small group of people that still build battery packs.
182 lbs just cells, bus bars and BMS.
Why is SS 14KWh pack over 300lbs? I thought they used 280A cells?
I will weigh them when I get home next week. But my 280Ah rack batteries do come with wheels. 🙂

$1070 each.

I also got one of these at Harbor Freight:

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Considering the cost, warranty and features on most packs available now, it's hard to resist plug n play packs.

I just gave away my last raw cells (30kWh battery).

I never thought I would like them, but vertical mount large packs are my favorite. Like powerpro. They are the same price or cheaper than server rack with better features. And you can use them in permitted systems in the future. Never thought I would like this style of battery but here we are
But in my case, I didnt just wire up some batteries, I wired up an auxiliary solar circuit to nearly every room of my house. I loved it. Went in full fist.
Very interested in learning more about the emphasized part, in particular as to how this can be effectively done in a largish house. I'm much, much earlier on my journey than you and this sounds like a great practical step to learn and work on.
Very interested in learning more about the emphasized part, in particular as to how this can be effectively done in a largish house. I'm much, much earlier on my journey than you and this sounds like a great practical step to learn and work on.
Firstly, I did it the hard way. Most people would just pull some breakers wires out of their main circuit panel and just use their inverter to feed those circuits. Take 2-4 breakers out, run circuits to auxiliary panel wired from inverter. Put 50 amp breaker in house panel that feeds the inverter. DONE>

I decided to start with what I considered critical loads and "majority of the time on" lowish loads. I started with my fridge, basement freezer and bedroom. The kitchen shared a wall with the second story bedroom. So I fed up 4 circuits. 2 to the kitchen and 2 to upstairs. One outlet on an independent circuit fed from aux load panel.
Basement needs special attention because of code compliance. Wires not run thru walls typically need conduit or EMT You will need to research code compliance for your new panel, basement wire runs, and how many outlets you need and wire gauge.
Wiring an additional outlet is pretty easy.

On the first story, pick your spot, find out where it lands in the basement, and then drill up, very carefully into the wall cavity.

Same idea on the second floor but its a lot more complicated.

For the second story: Find where you want the outlet.
Find the same spot in the attic. Drill down into a wall cavity on the second floor. Watch out for load bearing walls, pipes, preexisting electrical and such. Then you can use an electricians fishing rod to traverse between the first floor. Start in the attic and push it down thru your holes. If you measured properly this will be not terrible but still might take a long time. If you have trouble you could open up the wall on the first floor and hand feed it. Tie romex to the rod that is now in the basement and pull it up into the attic. from here you can go anywhere on the second floor by going down into the wall cavities.

This is a very simplistic way to put it. You should do a lot of research before doing this.
If I can do it, you can too.

What I am left with is a solar outlet, right next to a normal outlet. That way I can choose what I want to power with solar and have more circuits. If the grid ever goes down I probably wouldnt notice untill I tried to turn on a light.
Speaking of lights, rewiring a first floor ceiling light in a 2 story house is the biggest pain in the ass you will find.
A big reason I did this is so I can use ALL the power from my panels. Nothing hurts like a full battery at 11:30 am.
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I bought 4pcs EVE280K from Tewaycell before, and now I want to build a 16S system. At that time, I made the 4S system out of temporary interest.
I am about to build my first system, going for 24V 100ah. I currently have two 100W solar panels, battery cells are next on the list.
So that beginners like me continue to learn, can I ask you to post pictures of your build and possibly include a parts list?

thank you.
I think if you don't enjoy it then buy a battery.
The built batteries are getting more cost effective with great warranties. Buy the time you do the research on building your own and then sourcing the materials, it isn't really cost effective if you would rather spend your time doing other things or even working more to pay for a ready made battery.
But, some of us enjoy learning, building, and even spending a lot of time on a DIY Solar Power forum.
For me, the "cost effective" argument is just a much needed excuse for me to justify my obsessive hobbies to my wife.
Like the important "research" I am doing right now.
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Been thinking about this and while I still stand by my prior posts, I can see a possible reason to replace it all with a server rack battery. I built it and I am proud of it. I know how it works and have confidence in its safety. But I’m 63 years old an it’s likely someone else will eventually have to sell the house and liquidate my estate. Where I see a working testament to my skills and knowledge, it’s likely a home inspector or potential buyer will see a kluge. To me it’s the same thing except it doesn’t have a neat cabinet with locking doors and a nice paint job. Most people don’t want a home made monstrosity in their garage.
I think if you don't enjoy it then buy a battery.
The built batteries ate getting more cost effective with great warranties. Buy the time you do the research on building your own and then sourcing the materials, it isn't really cost effective if you would rather spend your time doing other things even working more to pay for a ready made battery.
But some of us enjoy learning, building, and even spending a lot of time on a DIY Solar Power forum.
For me, the "cost effective" argumant is just a much needed excuse for me to justify my obsessive hobbies to my wife.
Like the important "research" I am doing right now.
I feel the same level of satisfaction when I DIY something big. It’s just that I have also learned my limits for how long I can maintain the enthusiasm for a project.
This is a very simplistic way to put it. You should do a lot of research before doing this.
If I can do it, you can too.
Thanks a ton, lots of ideas and research starting points.

Firstly, I did it the hard way. Most people would just pull some breakers wires out of their main circuit panel and just use their inverter to feed those circuits. Take 2-4 breakers out, run circuits to auxiliary panel wired from inverter. Put 50 amp breaker in house panel that feeds the inverter. DONE
So I think I would probably want to explore this route first, my first goal would be to power my office from the off-grid system; it's nicely isolated on a single breaker I think. I'm not fully understanding how what you describe would work, unfortunately I'm very new to this kind of stuff. Are you saying to take a breaker out (where the circuit I want to move off-grid is) and somehow move those wires to a new panel? No real way to do that without opening up the wall right?

Is there any way to "feed" external power into a circuit in the existing panel? I realize what I will say sounds unsafe, and I'm not interested in unsafe technologies, but it's just an idea in case something similar exists: some sort of special breaker that takes power from another source instead of the back, so the connections to the grid on the back do not exist and instead it is somehow fed the input thru the front? Even better would be something that would be switchable. And even better would be a special panel where each special breaker would somehow be switchable :)

I'm just looking for some quick way with minimum intrusiveness to test out my system as it grows. Right now I don't even have panels I'm starting with the battery. So I'm charging it from the grid, but I'd like to see if I can power my office off it. Then I will add some panels with a charge controller.
No real way to do that without opening up the wall right?
If the house panel is not in a basement, yes, it would be a lot harder. Opening a wall or perhaps just putting the inverter, and inverter fed panel right next to the house panel. Then it would be minimal wall busting for that part.
Is there any way to "feed" external power into a circuit in the existing panel?
Yes, kinda. This would be approaching the concept of grid tied. This is a rats nest for diy. It includes a lot of extra permitting, vastly more expensive inverter and working with the power company. Could take months...
some sort of special breaker that takes power from another source instead of the back,
I don't think that is possible without being unsafe.

Lots of things to consider. Good luck.
Thanks a ton, lots of ideas and research starting points.

So I think I would probably want to explore this route first, my first goal would be to power my office from the off-grid system; it's nicely isolated on a single breaker I think. I'm not fully understanding how what you describe would work, unfortunately I'm very new to this kind of stuff. Are you saying to take a breaker out (where the circuit I want to move off-grid is) and somehow move those wires to a new panel? No real way to do that without opening up the wall right?

Is there any way to "feed" external power into a circuit in the existing panel? I realize what I will say sounds unsafe, and I'm not interested in unsafe technologies, but it's just an idea in case something similar exists: some sort of special breaker that takes power from another source instead of the back, so the connections to the grid on the back do not exist and instead it is somehow fed the input thru the front? Even better would be something that would be switchable. And even better would be a special panel where each special breaker would somehow be switchable :)

I'm just looking for some quick way with minimum intrusiveness to test out my system as it grows. Right now I don't even have panels I'm starting with the battery. So I'm charging it from the grid, but I'd like to see if I can power my office off it. Then I will add some panels with a charge controller.
@AC/DC if you just want to be able to (manually) switch everything on a single circuit from grid to generator/solar/battery that is fairly straight forward with a manual transfer switch.
It is done at the panel so there is no messing with the wiring in the walls other than possibly around your breaker panel.
I have done a number of them (for generator backup) and, if you are comfortable working in your main panel, pretty straight forward. I believe they are code compliant nationally.

If you are not comfortable working inside a main panel, hire a pro. One wrong touch could kill you. But look over their shoulder. Hiring a small, self-employed electrician might even help teach you the basics.
If you are installing it yourself as a homeowner, you can get manual circuit breakers everywhere: the box stores, electric supply stores, farm supply stores and Amazon.
I am about to build my first system, going for 24V 100ah. I currently have two 100W solar panels, battery cells are next on the list.
So that beginners like me continue to learn, can I ask you to post pictures of your build and possibly include a parts list?

thank you.
Regarding the 16S system, I have not purchased cells or accessories yet because I have been hesitant about cells and assembled battery before. 😅