diy solar

diy solar

Solar Build Questions


New Member
Jan 2, 2021
Okay. I'm starting to feel I have a grasp on this solar concept.
I do have a couple quick questions.
Negating the fact that i will obviously have to do a calculation to exactly how many amps I am using during a full day I want to pose a hypothetical.
If I got 4 hours of sun each day (theory) and had 500 AH's of batteries. What would I need for solar to charge those batteries if they were say just above the low voltage disconnect.
Reason for asking? I am looking to be completely sustainable on my boat regardless of my situation. the goal is to overbuild so that I have several days of batteries in case there is no sun, but can recharge in one day.
Thank you
Wait. Is the math really that simple? Why have I been confusing it and making it harder than it is?
500ah x 12v = 6000wh ( assuming lithium with 100% DoD)
if you are using AGMs, your useable capacity is more like 3000wh

Like above thats about 1500+W of solar panels at 100% capacity for 4~ hours

you have to take into account summer and winter though. thing with solar is that the setup to generate enough at the winter, will over generate in the summer