diy solar

diy solar

Everybody... use safe conditions working...

No stitches! Doc said I cleaned it well, he updated my tetnas shot, disenfected it, and slapped some superglue on it.
told me to be alert for swelling, or redness, and sent me home.
I was JUST telling someone I had no visible scars other than a knifing incident when I was 7…
Let me guess... using an AC breaker on DC.... NARF!!!!! (google it on youtube)....

WOW ouch....
Funny thing was, I had just sent the helper to the van to get my Kevlar gloves…
can't see w/o my glasses anyway, so doing things with flying "bad stuff" I really need the glasses in order to get near the mark
ow. glad you double checked it was ok

post a healing update later! that pic definitely has ominous cautionary energy ?


keep that glove away from the battery though! ?
I tried to wrap my thumb around a drill bit on the drill press when a piece of metal got away from me. No blood, but my thumb was numb for a week and it hurt for a few weeks after that. Lesson learned. I spent the money on a good drill press vise.

Metal, and power drills do not mesh with human flesh safely...
i got myself right on the tip of my finger, while predrilling the mounting holes for my busbars. Funny thing is, right before it happened i was thinking to myself about being careful where my finger was on the underside. It got me good. It was sore for a week but healed well. Had I thought about it, i’d have posted the precautionary tale here. I felt lucky it wasn’t worse. I’d like to have blamed the drill-bit mfg for making a bit that would pierce human flesh, but as feasible as that sounds, i thought my time was better spent continuing on my project.

The current entered here and got out on my leg crossing my heart.
I lost conscience and woke up with a LOT of luck and a 3rd grade burn in my left hand.
The devil did not want me that time...
30 years ago.
View attachment 55442

The current entered here and got out on my leg crossing my heart.
I lost conscience and woke up with a LOT of luck and a 3rd grade burn in my left hand.
The devil did not want me that time...
30 years ago.
This makes me nervous (healthy fear). it makes me want to only use my right hand with tools and ground my right foot when i’m working with electricity, thereby trying to ensure a path far from the heart. would this work in practice? i have no idea. but it seems reasonable.
Better idea, insulate your right hand and insulate your right foot (and left, and don't press your belly against grounded enclosure.)
Better yet, LOTO. i.e., no hot work.
Battery isn't so high, and you can "make" a last connection carefully. PV, you can open circuit, test voltage to confirm no current (shows Voc), unplug touch-safe MC4 and confirm zero voltage.
Better idea, insulate your right hand and insulate your right foot (and left, and don't press your belly against grounded enclosure.)
Better yet, LOTO. i.e., no hot work.
Battery isn't so high, and you can "make" a last connection carefully. PV, you can open circuit, test voltage to confirm no current (shows Voc), unplug touch-safe MC4 and confirm zero voltage.
absolutely no hot work. mistakes do happen, though; and, i want to be prepared for that possibility.

Love that you went right to solar. My biggest concern is when im making those last connections. I have heavy leather work gloves (not sure if linemen gloves), they were my father’s and he was a mechanic certified welder for Tampa Electric the last 24 years of his pre-retirement life. before that he was an electrician (among many other trades throughout his life).

All the AC wiring is getting done “dry”. Same with the DC wiring. The last connections from the battery go to a contactor, a fuse, then a battery disconnect switch. Solar panels are the only real tricky part because of their always on nature, and trying to cover them while manipulating them onto a roof and in place requires almost multiple additional projects, material procurement, and time. I used the gloves when I did my initial testing, and it was fine. Im only nervous because this time rather than on the ground, i will be near the top of a 10ft ladder or standing on the roof of an RV.
Leather gloves are proper protection to prevent puncture of electrically insulating rubber gloves worn underneath.
Leather absorbs water, isn't a good dielectric. It shouldn't be relied on for insulation when working with hazardous voltages.

My first PV array had screw terminals, so I had to carefully hold insulated handle of screwdriver while inserting wires.
Touch-safe MC3 or MC4 completely solves that. Just ensure current has been interrupted before disconnecting, and make sure approximately zero volts between connectors before connecting. A DMM will read voltage at first, then that decays toward zero as capacitance of floating wires charges up. Don't want to complete circuit to a load and have current start flowing. In the case of paralleling PV strings, I use the DMM to make sure little voltage between them before mating connectors, closing touch-safe fuse holders, or closing breaker.

Covering PV panels serves to drop current near zero so that's a way to avoid make/break with current flow. However, voltage can still be near full voltage and current available is still enough to be lethal.