diy solar

diy solar

Solis S5-EH1P6K-L incorrect load readings


New Member
May 8, 2024
I have a Solis S5-EH1P6K-L running my solar and I’ve recently been investigating a high floor for my load readings during the day, it’s typically reading between 2Kw and 3Kw load. I do have a few things running 24/7 as I have a cctv server, home assistant machine and an unraid server running along with 4 poe switches that power my cameras and the 4 mesh AP’s running but these combined aren’t anything like the reported loads.

What I have noticed on the logs is that this high load level is only there my PV system is producing a decent of power and charging my batteries, over night the load drops to around 600-700W.

I have the CT placed on the tails between my meter and cutout and it’s the correct way round as running a large load such as my electric shower or kettle shows as a large increase on my load reading.

I’m thinking it’s just a big of the solis firmware misreporting generation as load but if someone tells me how to fix it then that would be great.
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Here is my data from today, yeah the time is an hour out as I forgot to change the clock for daylight saving.

The spike in load at 05:20 was my 9kw electric shower which correctly reads the load and is in the correct direction.

Here is just before my battery is fully charged showing over 2Kw of load while no one is at home, other than my cat the house was empty from 8:30am today.


15 minutes later after my battery has reached 100% SoC the load has dropped to under 700w
Here is just before my battery is fully charged showing over 2Kw of load while no one is at home, other than my cat
Someone else had similar unexplained load. They found the cat had turned on a heater,

Other than the CT being in the wrong place, which you've checked already, I don't know of anything that could cause this.

No water heaters or car chargers on timer?
Someone else had similar unexplained load. They found the cat had turned on a heater,

Other than the CT being in the wrong place, which you've checked already, I don't know of anything that could cause this.

No water heaters or car chargers on timer?
I don’t have any electric heaters at all in my house and no hot water cylinder, we don’t have an EV either.

But I do have two cats, I’ll have to keep an eye on them!
Its actually a reporting fault by the data logger/inverter, I have a customer we installed for who has the same. Battery reaches 100% SOC and then shows what should be export as house consumption. We applied new firmware and this didn't rectify the issue, an RMA was issued for a new inverter and the issues was solved.
Its actually a reporting fault by the data logger/inverter, I have a customer we installed for who has the same. Battery reaches 100% SOC and then shows what should be export as house consumption. We applied new firmware and this didn't rectify the issue, an RMA was issued for a new inverter and the issues was solved.
Oh wow, swapping out the inverter wasn’t even a consideration!
Sounds like @shavermcspud has the answer, but my question would be whether the "load" you are seeing is actually happening as far as the inverter is concerned or whether it is just the chinese remote web report that is wrong.

When this issue happens, can you see what the Solis is showing on its front screen? (and thus compare with what the Solis is reading, vs. what the app is reporting.)
Having just looked at the graphs in more depth, IMHO I would say that the "load" being reported is simply the sum of the house load and the battery charge, but corrects itself once the battery is charged. This fits with you saying..
What I have noticed on the logs is that this high load level is only there my PV system is producing a decent of power and charging my batteries, over night the load drops to around 600-700W.

But that is different to SMcS's customer where the "load" is being reported wrongly only once the battery reaches 100%.
I have a customer we installed for who has the same. Battery reaches 100% SOC and then shows what should be export as house consumption
Obviously in that case, there was an issue with the inverter itself, but it's not exactly the same symptoms.

If you can take two screenshots of the inverter screen; once during battery charge and once after 100% is reached would be helpful for me/us to have a look in more depth for you. There are several Solis users very active on this site.