diy solar

diy solar

Strange request!

Bang for the buck is the used panel market.
Check Craigslist for local suppliers.
Will did a video on solar panels a few months back. He lists some used shippers with 250W panels for $50 but shipping can add up.
Local sourced is better sometimes.
Will did a video on solar panels a few months back. He lists some used shippers with 250W panels for $50 but shipping can add up.
Having just purchased a pallet of panels doing an order of used panels you really need to buy a LOT of them to bring that shipping cost down. It was $300 for shipping whether I bought 16 panels or the 23 I ended up getting. At 23 it still came out to $53/panel which was a LOT easier to swallow and I know I can use them all.
Hi Havoc, Congratulations on your recovery from getting sick, and for taking full control of your life - that's a far bigger task than setting up solar! If you have some land/space I've got a few ideas for panels and other equipment you can buy quite inexpensively, and even make a good business out of it. I've been looking for a partner to do this with for a while. I'm in Oceanside, CA, with minimal land/space so that has held me back. Let me know if you're interested in discussing. Aloha
Hi Havoc, Congratulations on your recovery from getting sick, and for taking full control of your life - that's a far bigger task than setting up solar! If you have some land/space I've got a few ideas for panels and other equipment you can buy quite inexpensively, and even make a good business out of it. I've been looking for a partner to do this with for a while. I'm in Oceanside, CA, with minimal land/space so that has held me back. Let me know if you're interested in discussing. Aloha
Thank You, it was hard going for a while.... Sure, I still have family in San Diego. So I go by Oceanside all the time.
Having just purchased a pallet of panels doing an order of used panels you really need to buy a LOT of them to bring that shipping cost down. It was $300 for shipping whether I bought 16 panels or the 23 I ended up getting. At 23 it still came out to $53/panel which was a LOT easier to swallow and I know I can use them all.
I think I can swing 23 panels, where do I get them???