diy solar

diy solar

Amp hours from the seven cell Garcia board.


New Member
Jan 3, 2022
Okay I can't find it so be sure to ridicule. I need to figure out how much power in amp hours I get out of the seven cell Yahoo Garcia 24 volt board. I've got a bunch of them and I got some crap batteries and I'm going to replace them. My question is how the individual battery capacity relates to the seven cell capacity. Yes I know it's stupid and I think I know the answer but I could use just a little guidance. And if you look at my credentials I'm not stupid and I can help a lot of people with a lot of things but I'm still having a little trouble converting the seven cell capacity to the actual amp hour capacity of the board and that to the multiple board system. Thank you in advance for your help acknowledging and blushing for the necessary flogging I will probably get but all your help is appreciated your forum is magnificent and Jehu is a God.
Well, I don't know the specifics of the Yahoo Garcia 24 volt board (I tried searching on it but didn't find one), but in general I can say that if a single battery cell has 10Ah say, and you wire 7p together (7 cells in parallel), then you would have essentially a 70Ah parallel cell group.

If you had 8 of those cell groups say, each of those groups wired in series (8s), you would still have 70Ah available on the whole circuit, but the voltage would multiply up x8 (increasing kW/h accordingly)...

I have no idea what the Yahoo Garcia 24 volt board is based on (like a BMS I'm assuming), so I don't know what its max Ah spec is on it per cell channel or even how many cell channels it has (like is it an 8s BMS or something)?

I think I just realized you may have meant Jehu and not Yahoo, for Jehu Garcia (I've seen a lot of his You Tube videos)... Do you have a link or something to the specific BMS or '24v board' you're referring to here so we could look it up?

Do you mean, how many Ah does each channel support on a particular BMS board he sells?
When cells are placed in series you increase the voltage and the "amp hours" stay the same. If you use 3000mah (3ah) cells, you would have a 3ah battery at 24 volts.
Okay I can't find it so be sure to ridicule. I need to figure out how much power in amp hours I get out of the seven cell Yahoo Garcia 24 volt board. I've got a bunch of them and I got some crap batteries and I'm going to replace them. My question is how the individual battery capacity relates to the seven cell capacity. Yes I know it's stupid and I think I know the answer but I could use just a little guidance. And if you look at my credentials I'm not stupid and I can help a lot of people with a lot of things but I'm still having a little trouble converting the seven cell capacity to the actual amp hour capacity of the board and that to the multiple board system. Thank you in advance for your help acknowledging and blushing for the necessary flogging I will probably get but all your help is appreciated your forum is magnificent and Jehu is a God.

Bro. Chill. Far dumber questions have been asked! :)
Make sure there is not a big voltage difference between cells in each board before putting them together. The PCB's themselves have a trace fuse for each cell and also a 5 amp fuse for the board. A big difference between boards will blow those. Difference between boards will cause an influx of voltage to equal out the voltage of each board which you can have at most 5 amps. If you put the balance cable connecting each board itself to each other then you may blow the trace fuses to that cell in the series connection. It is not fun having to replace either.