diy solar

diy solar

Cables should be same length....but one is a half inch off (problem or no?)


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2021
Guy who made my negative cables for our MPPT that will deliver 200A at 48V to the bus ended up a little short on one of them. Half inch shorter than the other. He said it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm going to end up taking one back and getting it replaced because he put the lugs 180 out on the two ends of one of the cables, so I'll have him make the new one match the length of the other more closely.

But I'm curious if that half inch would be an issue or not. Thoughts?
wire length.JPG
That big all exposed metal ratchet scares me a bit pared next to all that 4/0 cable…
It doesn’t look like he’s using the positive side of the bus bar. But if anything gets added to the bottom half where the positives go, yeah… a good heat shrink on the socket would be prudent.
Good point. No power on the bus bar, no components turned on, but now is probably a good time to break the habit of just letting things lay around...

Since I work around mobile power systems quite a bit, I wrap my tools with electrical tape. It does not solve all problems but it reduces the risk at least some and is very low cost. There are a a handful that get used the most, so I color code those sizes with the tape colors since the labels get covered.

For example - in the marine battery world, it is common for the (+) terminal to be 10mm or the near US equivalent, so the socket and wrenches that match I tape with red. The (-) terminal is commonly 8mm, so I tape the matching tools with black.

I have some taped with blue, orange, white and yellow - which also helps me find things faster in general.

The real pro power company electricians use insulated tools and they are obviously better but out side of my budget.
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