diy solar

diy solar


Hey McKravitts you gotta chill. I don't like Bob, you don't like Bob, I don't think anyone likes Bob, including Bob.

But all these actual citations of things going against his narrative might make his head explode, and despite none of us liking Bob, we really don't want to clean up the mess of head explosions.
I asked bob politely to give me references for all his claims. It is only fair that I provide references for the opposing side.
There are so many of them that I'll never find them all so I going to take a break brfore my head explodes.
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Dude, if you are going to go out and quote MSM, it wont give you much credibility, as MSM pretty much all colluded against him, and things like Russiagate which proven to be completely false, but MSM just let it go under the rug.
Anything in the MSM is pretty much complete baloney, irregardless of your feelings towards Trump
And then there is this pesky fact that almost all MSM worldwide is owned by 3 families. Ill let you research this on your own, and if you fail, i will post links proving this little inconvenient fact.

For those of us who know math, 81M votes for Biden is complete baloney on too many levels. And then you have thousands of videos of fraud, not to mention "water pipes blowing up at 2 AM and vote counts going up by hundreds of thousands for Binden at the same time".
For those of us who know math, 81M votes for Biden is complete baloney on too many levels. And then you have thousands of videos of fraud, not to mention "water pipes blowing up at 2 AM and vote counts going up by hundreds of thousands for Binden at the same time".
Dude, if you are going to go out and quote rudy guiliani....
I asked bob politely to give me references for all his claims. It is only fair that I provide references for the opposing side.
There are so many of them that I'll never find them all so I going to take a break brfore my head explodes.

New Member and right to the political threads? What was your screen name before you got banned?
The only thing up for discussion is...
Was Trump the best president since Lincoln... Or Washington?
His economic policies were sound.
He owns any room he is in.
He was able to negotiate with our rivals and adversaries, while gaining their respect and a little bit of fear.
We wouldnt have wars in Ukraine and Gaza, thats for sure.
We would have had an orderly withdrawal in Afghanistan.
We would have a secure border with about 10 million less illegals with untold welfare cases and terror threats.
We wouldnt have runaway inflation which is eating at everyones buying power.
The worst thing going on with Bidens policies is the loss of the dollar as world reserve currency. Its happening and when it does its going to be hell.
Jared Kushner was savvy enough to be preventing that, but cheating Democrats ruined it.
If you hate Trump youre a brainless douchebag imbecile without a lick of common sense.

Sorry but thats the way it is so fuck off. You people arent even worth engaging any more.
Definitely a much better source of factual information than you.

There was actually a study done about a decade ago that consistently showed Wikipedia was often more accurate than textbooks.

Do you were your dunce hat proudly?
Only in non political articles.
Wiki is a leftist cesspool. So bad even leftist universities dont allow it as a reference. Did you forget about that?
Lol, yeah I totally remember Obama summoning democrats to DC and asking Biden to not certify Trumps election.

Man, I keep thinking you are dumb, and you just keep proving you are dumber than I thought you were.
Obama directed the bogus crossfire hurricane investigation directly. Strozk and Page reported daily to the oval office. There was no basis or legitimacy to the steele dossier and they knew it. They tried to keep trump from winning the election and when they failed they spent two full years trying to derail his presidency. Then conducted an impeachment over something he was RIGHT about.
Joe Biden alone made the decision to fire the prosecutor investigating the company that paid his son $4 million to do absolutely nothing of consequence. And bragged about it.
Hunter Biden had zero experience in the energy sector, didnt speak Russian, and in fact the whole time he was employed by Burisma he never once set foot in Ukraine. Yet they paid him $4 million and his father had a government official investigating them fired. Isnt that a little bit odd. Hmm.
Obama directed the bogus crossfire hurricane investigation directly. Strozk and Page reported daily to the oval office. There was no basis or legitimacy to the steele dossier and they knew it. They tried to keep trump from winning the election and when they failed they spent two full years trying to derail his presidency. Then conducted an impeachment over something he was RIGHT about.
Joe Biden alone made the decision to fire the prosecutor investigating the company that paid his son $4 million to do absolutely nothing of consequence. And bragged about it.
Hunter Biden had zero experience in the energy sector, didnt speak Russian, and in fact the whole time he was employed by Burisma he never once set foot in Ukraine. Yet they paid him $4 million and his father had a government official investigating them fired. Isnt that a little bit odd. Hmm.
I do not always agree with what you post, however everything you have posted is 100% correct.
New Member and right to the political threads? What was your screen name before you got banned?

I'm curious why anyone with a penis would want bigger and more powerful government?

How do males turn into libtards?
Why do so many people with low IQ’s want a dictatorship?
BTW: There are a lot of conservatives who just don’t like Trump.
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