diy solar

diy solar


Obama directed the bogus crossfire hurricane investigation directly. Strozk and Page reported daily to the oval office. There was no basis or legitimacy to the steele dossier and they knew it. They tried to keep trump from winning the election and when they failed they spent two full years trying to derail his presidency. Then conducted an impeachment over something he was RIGHT about.
Joe Biden alone made the decision to fire the prosecutor investigating the company that paid his son $4 million to do absolutely nothing of consequence. And bragged about it.
Hunter Biden had zero experience in the energy sector, didnt speak Russian, and in fact the whole time he was employed by Burisma he never once set foot in Ukraine. Yet they paid him $4 million and his father had a government official investigating them fired. Isnt that a little bit odd. Hmm.
Sounds very much like what the republicans are doing to Biden right now.
Sounds very much like what the republicans are doing to Biden right now.
Umm... Congressional Republicans do not control the DOJ, are not conducting a bogus investigation in secret, and there is in fact plenty of validity to concerns about Bidens corruption.
Let me guess. You still think the laptop is Russian disinfo. You dont realize Biden has backpedalled with lie after lie about knowledge and involvement in his sons business.
Lets get real. His son had no business dealings. Every dollar that flowed to his bank accounts was because of the promise of connections to his father. Hunter Biden has no assets to offer anyone.
A lot of those votes weren’t votes for Biden as much as they were votes against trump
That may be the case but it doesnt mean Biden was a better choice. Hate can make you blind. Ill be the first to admit Trump can be a toad but Im not picking a new sunday school teacher for my child. We are picking someone to represent our country on the world stage and Mr. Nice Guy doesnt get the job done. Trump says what hes going to do and does his best to try and do it.The so called 30,000 lies, 90% of them were lies themselves. The other 10% were mostly him being wrong or not giving a shit about what people thought anyway.
In summary voting against an opponent without a better one of your own is pretty silly.
Why do so many people with low IQ’s want a dictatorship?
BTW: There are a lot of conservatives who just don’t like Trump.

You mean like using the justice system to attempt to jail a political opponent??

And for things they actually did.

You understand your side doesn't like Trump because he does things that benefit the working class right?
By the numbers: where Mark Zuckerbergs "non partisan" $425 million was directed to and the resulting rigged election:

This goes into great depth about the levels of skull duggery that went on.
The media was silent about all this.

This goes into great depth about the levels of skull duggery that went on.
The media was silent about all this.

Thank yo for sharing your soyrces of information.
I'll do some research and see what others may be saying.
You mean like using the justice system to attempt to jail a political opponent??

And for things they actually did.

You understand your side doesn't like Trump because he does things that benefit the working class right?
He hasn’t benefited me one bit.
What about you?
That may be the case but it doesnt mean Biden was a better choice. Hate can make you blind. Ill be the first to admit Trump can be a toad but Im not picking a new sunday school teacher for my child. We are picking someone to represent our country on the world stage and Mr. Nice Guy doesnt get the job done. Trump says what hes going to do and does his best to try and do it.The so called 30,000 lies, 90% of them were lies themselves. The other 10% were mostly him being wrong or not giving a shit about what people thought anyway.
In summary voting against an opponent without a better one of your own is pretty silly.
Why do you immediately assume that being against as a presidential choice equates to hate?
And who do you assume I voted for?
He hasn’t benefited me one bit.
What about you?

1) Border Control

2) Increasing the standard deduction by a large margin

3) Domestic energy production lowering fuel prices.

For starters

You don't think you benefited from any of those things? If not, how has Biden (handlers) decisions benefited you?
By the numbers: where Mark Zuckerbergs "non partisan" $425 million was directed to and the resulting rigged election:

By the numbers: where Mark Zuckerbergs "non partisan" $425 million was directed to and the resulting rigged election:

If the republican Supreme Court judges hadn’t approved citizens united the problems wouldn’t exist.
The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations.
If you read the plethora of posting I did yesterday, you’d realize that there is corruption on both sides.

If the republican Supreme Court judges hadn’t approved citizens united the problems wouldn’t exist.
The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations.
If you read the plethora of posting I did yesterday, you’d realize that there is corruption on both sides.

Rinos are not conservatives. Yes, Republicans are just as bad as democrats.

Trump isn't liked by Republicans either
1) Border Control

2) Increasing the standard deduction by a large margin

3) Domestic energy production lowering fuel prices.

For starters

You don't think you benefited from any of those things? If not, how has Biden (handlers) decisions benefited you?
He never finished the wall, and didn’t get a penny out of mexico

Like Trump, I don’t pay taxes. There are so many loop holes it is easy,

Much of my income comes from oil and gas production, so no benefit to me from increased production. There actually is more production under Biden.

He’s contributed to so much distrust and hatred between Americans, that I sometimes fear for my life.

Biden has done nothing for me and I won’t be voting for him.
Right now I’m leaning towards Haley.

I don’t hate Trump but he has made so many people threaten the lives of friends of mine that I don’t want him to ever be president again.
I fear he’ll incite a civil war and I know supporters of him that are looking forward to killing people.
I do not always agree with what you post, however everything you have posted is 100% correct.

I also agree.
The only difference is "joe biden" the man is lucky if he can walk on his own.
Everything "joe biden" does is directly controlled by the powers that be, be it "obama's third term" or the same oligarchy that controls them all, does not matter.
A lot of those votes weren’t votes for Biden as much as they were votes against trump

Actually I call bullshit on that. Because that is mathematically impossible when considered with all other (even official) numbers.
Actual mathematicians did a breakdown showing this but you will have to look outside of MSM where anyone who refutes the narrative is silienced.

And just for the record, my take is that the entire political process is one giant theatrical show to divide and conquer the proles. These politicians have no real power whatsoever, the are fully controlled by the unelected oligarchy that feeds both wings of this bird of prey, but they gotta make it seem real for the proles and that they learned how to do well over the last several centuries (the illusion of democracy as your taxes keep going up and liberties down)
He never finished the wall, and didn’t get a penny out of mexico

Why didn't it get finished? Do you want a controlled border or not?

Please don't be stupid with obtuse answers and "questions".
Like Trump, I don’t pay taxes. There are so many loop holes it is easy,

No kidding? You didn't benefit from moving the standard deduction from 11,500 to almost 24,000. You must not make much money.
Much of my income comes from oil and gas production, so no benefit to me from increased production. There actually is more production under Biden.

Obtuse again. Also, you're just making shit up.
He’s contributed to so much distrust and hatred between Americans, that I sometimes fear for my life.

No, democrats have done that by accusing people of things they are not guilty of, engaging in censorship and not practicing border control.
Biden has done nothing for me and I won’t be voting for him.
Right now I’m leaning towards Haley.

You're a neocon.
I don’t hate Trump but he has made so many people threaten the lives of friends of mine that I don’t want him to ever be president again.
I fear he’ll incite a civil war and I know supporters of him that are looking forward to killing people.

You're lying or you're starting shit with people and then when people get tired of it and shut you up you blame Trump.
He never finished the wall, and didn’t get a penny out of mexico

I am waiting for any political puppet that will address the actual problem - free shit for illegals. Cut the free shit, and guess what, no wall needed! But i wont hold my breath, as illegal immigration serves a completely different purpose, therefore it will not be addressed by political puppets.

Like Trump, I don’t pay taxes. There are so many loop holes it is easy,

Much of my income comes from oil and gas production, so no benefit to me from increased production. There actually is more production under Biden.

I think the only people who truly dont pay taxes are oligarchy middle managers such as Gates and Bezos (and the like). Only they can afford to pay for the usage of legal loopholes that exist (or by bribing contributing to the right politicians).
So I call BS on YOU personally paying zero taxes unless you are on govt handouts. Then yes, you are paying zero taxes.

He’s contributed to so much distrust and hatred between Americans, that I sometimes fear for my life.

You clearly have not done your research. Think what you want about Trump, but he is simply a symptom of a much larger problem - America, that has been mismanaged and destroyed by the Oligarchy over the last 80-110 years. (or more accurately since 1913)

Biden has done nothing for me and I won’t be voting for him.
Right now I’m leaning towards Haley.

Haley the oligarchy shill? Actually they are all the same so it doesnt really matter in this sense. They are all doing the oligarchy bidding and you are legitimizing the process.

I don’t hate Trump but he has made so many people threaten the lives of friends of mine that I don’t want him to ever be president again.
He did? Wow, what universe do you live in?
The only times when our lives were directly threatened by government in the most recent history is when they made vaxxjabs mandatory for people to keep their jobs. Was it Trump's doing? Most certainly not by Trump the man, but the oligarchy that controls it all was delighted!

I fear he’ll incite a civil war and I know supporters of him that are looking forward to killing people.
You need to study history a bit better and understand how civil wars come into place.
Here is a clue for you: Every single war ever fought by humanity was a result of economic mismanagement. (and then those who mismanaged them put people against one another so that they don't see the real culprits of a problem - the mismanagers (ie the oligarchy))
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If the republican Supreme Court judges hadn’t approved citizens united the problems wouldn’t exist.
The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations.
If you read the plethora of posting I did yesterday, you’d realize that there is corruption on both sides.
Murphyguy attempted this same lame dismissal. This is entirely different.
These werent campaign contributions.
You either dont understand what zuckerberg did or youre intentionally confusing the issue.
I also agree.
The only difference is "joe biden" the man is lucky if he can walk on his own.
Everything "joe biden" does is directly controlled by the powers that be, be it "obama's third term" or the same oligarchy that controls them all, does not matter.
Agreed that has been true for a long time.