diy solar

diy solar

DIY 'Chargenectifier'

Ah, ok, sorry - yeah, anytime I hear Pi and CAN in the same sentence my brain drifts off to dtoverlays...
No low power (voltage too low) on the Pi either I guess.
I think it's the Pi3 default Power Supply (possibly with a USB-C -> micro-USB adapter).

Everything it's possible, but I'd be surprised ... It's a 3A (?) power supply I think.
Weird thing is, that RX/TX counter in ifconfig should work no matter what.
Power supply issue would be visible in dmesg.
Can you unplug/replug and post what dmesg has to say?
yeah, but I'd like to see what happens with the driver when it's inserted. Maybe reboot without it connected, then connect it and post everything dmesg spits out about it.

I'm just trying to eliminate stuff...
yeah, but I'd like to see what happens with the driver when it's inserted. Maybe reboot without it connected, then connect it and post everything dmesg spits out about it.

I'm just trying to eliminate stuff...
I just installed cangaroo and the GUI together with x2goserver in the end. I'll try to see if I can figure something else out.

Another thing puzzling me: from it seems that the default driver is slcan, while candlelight uses the gs_usb driver.

cansniffer lists some of the possible drivers that can be selected:

So why was it defaulting to socketcan (or at least the error I had before fixing the "close connection properly" or using your updated code) ?
And why in dmesg I have
dmesg | grep -i can
[    6.060750] usb 1-1.2.5: Product: candleLight USB to CAN adapter
[    6.350431] usb 1-1.2.7: Product: candleLight USB to CAN adapter
[   13.570422] CAN device driver interface
[   14.755824] vc4-drm soc:gpu: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes
[   14.758447] vc4-drm soc:gpu: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes
[   17.209193] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): can1: link becomes ready
[   18.232968] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): can0: link becomes ready
[   80.618222] can: controller area network core
[   80.618297] NET: Registered PF_CAN protocol family
[   80.633199] can: raw protocol

can: raw protocol ???

Is it possible that python-can library is trying to use the wrong driver ?
Note that I implemented venv since with Debian Bookworm and later you cannot install extra packages with pip into your system (or shouldn't).
python-can shouldn't use a driver as such, that's abstracted away behind the /dev/can0 kernel driver responsible, and /dev/can interface indicates it should be using candleLight firmware. So that's all good.
CAN raw protocol should be fine too: just plain CAN without extensions etc. It using socketcan as bus type is because that's what's specified in the script, and is correct (can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel=channel, bitrate=BITRATE)
python-can shouldn't use a driver as such, that's abstracted away behind the /dev/can0 kernel driver responsible, and /dev/can interface indicates it should be using candleLight firmware. So that's all good.
CAN raw protocol should be fine too: just plain CAN without extensions etc. It using socketcan as bus type is because that's what's specified in the script, and is correct (can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel=channel, bitrate=BITRATE)
I also don't have anything in /dev/can* ...
This should just work... I'm out of ideas right now (it's approaching midnight here), but I'll come back to this.
Same here, I'm getting tired.

I tried to get x2goserver up and running with cangaroo ... First time I have seen it flicker like crazy. Totally unusable. Could only somehow see in the settings that both can0 and can1 are detected. But couldn't get anything working there remotely. Could also be that the powerline adapter to the garage is just not very stable with all the possible noise (temporary solution until a proper ethernet cable will be installed). Yet another problem :( . Maybe I'll have to consider VNC or booting a Laptop that I will leave in the garage while debugging.

Thanks for the help (y)
Just out of curiousity, can you do a uname -a and see which kernel you are running ?

uname -a
Linux SolarMonitor 6.1.0-rpi7-rpi-v7 #1 SMP Raspbian 1:6.1.63-1+rpt1 (2023-11-24) armv7l GNU/Linux