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diy solar

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  1. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    ok, I think I'll wait until this ATS unit arrives... I have a feeling it will detect the voltage needed for the battery and apply it, but need to be certain. I also found this (attached).
  2. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Which is run from the 12v battery bank, so when on grid power how would it receive power unless I was sending power from the ATS to the battery?
  3. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    ok, so then I'd need to figure out how to power the 12v items in the van (when connected to shore power), if the other cables are running 230v to the inverter and 230v appliances.
  4. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Not yet, and I can't find one online. I should have the unit in about a week. I've attached the only wiring diagram I could find for this particular ATS. It seems to me that it will detect which needs power and adjust accordingly?
  5. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    The ATS has outputs for "output", "inverter" & "battery", and that gives me another confusion point. Are the provided for you to choose which is the best way to go in your system, or so that it can monitor/manage where the power should be directed and all should be connected?
  6. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Do I need to have a 230v battery charger from the Automatic Transfer Switch (shore power)? Right now, I have it going directly into the battery bank, which doesn't seem right to me that a normal household power (230v in Switzerland) would go directly into a 12v battery bank? or is that fine?
  7. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Great, thank you, and you don't feel there need to be any additional fuses? I still need to work out some of the wire sizes as well but I think there are some good online calculators for that kind of thing.
  8. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Like so? I checked the user manual on the Tracer BN SCC and it looks like it goes +- +- +- as you mentioned in the previous comment.
  9. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    No, that wasn't my intention... thanks for letting me know! I've updated the schematic, does that look right to you now? Thanks @SCClockDr
  10. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Thanks, @Picasso I've updated the image and attached it as a PDF.
  11. mikexavier

    Mind's exploding, would love some help!

    Hey all, I've been at this for a while now... I have no background in electrics so it's a bit of a mind-bending exercise for me. Here's where I'm at so far (attached PDF). I'd love some general feedback on this system for an RV/Campervan if it all looks "correct", safe, efficient etc. I'm stuck...