diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. svetz

    HB 919 & Fake political Ads

    HB 919 — A.I. Use in Political Ads House Bill 919 establishes rules for political advertisements that use generative A.I. Basically, in Florida, it's now legal to air an advertisement of a person being shown something they didn't do, provided there's a disclaimer saying it's not real. Wow...
  2. svetz

    Ask an AI

    AIs are rapidly becoming a part of our lives. This humor thread is for your anecdotes of humorous interactions or just crazy things you asked them.
  3. svetz

    Tax Question...

    With Tax day looming many of us need to start figuring out taxes. So, here's a question for you Whovian IRS agents (you know who you are). If I go back in time and make income, do I need to submit a revised tax form for the year of the work, or apply it to the year of divergence? How do you...
  4. svetz

    My EV Died! Oh No!

    I've had the Honda Clarity (now discontinued) for six years and this is the second problem with it. I love this car! Best car ever! The first problem was a thirsty rat that chewed through the windshield washer tube to drink the washer fluids. It was later uncovered that the rat was employed...
  5. svetz

    Plasma fields

    Okay... that's cool...
  6. svetz

    Do smoke detectors work at 0.5c

    I'm not saying I've developed > .5c; just curious if I could use standard fire/smoke/CO alarms if I did.
  7. svetz

    LED Surprise

    So for the last few months I've had an issue with flickering lights over the dining room table and in the bedroom. It's been odd, it's like they flicker for no reason at all. The flicker was like what you might expect with a loose connection on your mains or a nearby lightning strike. With my...
  8. svetz

    LG Chem Problems?

  9. svetz

    First observation of 28O - Surprise, not Doubly Magic!
  10. svetz

    M3P LFPs

    The increase of 10% kWh/kg and lower operating temperature sound pretty attractive. I know it's pretty new, but does anyone know anything about them or any products they are in?
  11. svetz

    Increased battery capacity?

    While I don't think the youtuber is purposefully misleading (he even caveats a few times with the "if the reports are true"), the research being reported on does sounds bogus, but thought I'd post it...because way cool if true.
  12. svetz

    Gamma Rays from Sun

  13. svetz

    Mystery: A Fast moving reflection? What did GOES capture?

    Watch for the light streak from Senegal (western africa) towards Guyana (South America). In the last frame, it looks like it terminates at an island, but I had to use Google Earth to confirm that no island exists there. It's probably some limbic reflection of the sun, but the up/down motion...
  14. svetz

    Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation broken?

    May or may not be true... but if true... holy cow!
  15. svetz

    Mirror Mirror on the wall... Who's the hottest of them all?

    Florida Keys, the hottest day so far had a heat-index of 119.8°F: So who will get the bragging rights for being the hottest?
  16. svetz


    NASA'S CHAPEA (Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog) & Mars Dune Alpha Habitat And they're in! It'll be interesting to see what goes wrong.
  17. svetz

    Alternative Fasteners for low compressive forces?

    One problem with a nut and bolt fastener is that getting the nut tight so it won't come loose puts the bolted together bits under a lot of compressive forces. You can reduce that with lower torque and loctite. Another problem with the solution is that you need access to both sides to hold and...
  18. svetz

    Zero Power desalination

    This was interesting, wished they'd talked about required wave height. If it's like wind (there's a minimum lower speed), then it'll be restricted to where wave energy is consistent.
  19. svetz

    Diagnosing a Failure to diagnose a failure

    Fair warning before you start, this is the highly comedic and entertaining section despite this being a true tale of woe & sadness. It's offered as a bit of puzzle so you can test your diagnostic skill and expertise while having a good laugh at my expense. My sister-in-law calls in the...
  20. svetz

    Spiral Aurora

    In case you haven't seen this oddity yet... ref
  21. svetz

    Curios Kat: Covid Vs. Production

    Ever feel like poking around to take a look at weird things? This morning I was updating my monthly production numbers for March and it occurred to me that there was supposed to be a bump in production due to the Covid shutdowns producing less pollution: Given I live in paradise with great...
  22. svetz

    EV under $10k USD with Sodium Ion Batteries???

    Not sure how true this is, not like we haven't had false reports before about cheap EVs or sodium batteries. I've heard from other sources previously that BYD had a deal with CATL, so it's not totally outside the real of possibility. The article says the 250 mile range version is $12k USD...
  23. svetz

    Sub Mason Dixon Solar Calculation Techniques

    For y'all yankees, you know us southerners enjoy higher insolation and so oft use specialized math:
  24. svetz


  25. svetz

    2023 DW

    THIS IS PROBABLY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT On Valentine's Day 2046 asteroid 2023 DW will come close to our planet with an approximately 1/560 chance of actually hitting, according to NASA. Red dots in this map show possible impact sites on Feb. 14, 2046: The odds of a collision are only 0.18%...
  26. svetz

    Those Darn Kids!

    A thread to talk about the surprising thing kids are up to... Example:
  27. svetz

    Is your annual consumption going up?

    I was looking at my energy data over the last 3 years and noticed consumption was increasing annually: Three years worth of data is fairly meaningless, so I wanted to check what others who've had solar longer are seeing. The right graph is a bit misleading as the $ is a simple MWh x the...
  28. svetz

    Enphase Bidirectional Charging

    Enphase Bidirectional EV Charger Coming out next year and also supports Grid Services (i.e., where the grid buys your battery power)! Here's a link to the whitepaper.
  29. svetz

    Balancing Loads

    Note: This is a split-phase topic and won't apply to countries with a single phase (e.g., EU, AU). It might be anecdotal, but I've heard it's important with split phase to balance loads in a load center as "power" consumed isn't the sum of L1 + L2, it's the maximum. So, if it was always...
  30. svetz

    LCOE of Residential PV

    We've all seen the LCOE graphs like the one to the right showing how much better wind and solar are economically over fossil fuels. But those are big operations that utilize economies of scale. So it made me wonder how my rooftop systems compared since we don't have manpower overhead costs...