diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. turtle2472

    Tesla Gateway and Powerwall limitations with grid-tie and SolarEdge inverters

    We recently had a system installed with 64 panels totaling ~23kW. They utilize SolarEdge optimizers and two SE7600H inverters. We are grid-tied with a Tesla Gateway and two Powerwalls. We see a max production of ~15.7kW with 10kW feeding the batteries when production exceeds consumption...
  2. turtle2472

    Hello from Upstate SC!

    I'm new here and checking in to learn what I can to get beyond trying to pay through the nose for someone to build me a system and still leave me feeling like I didn't get what I want from my system. I'm a Navy vet with electronics background, though I'm a server admin type for a living now. My...