diy solar

diy solar

18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

Following along and interested to see what you finally come up with.

My contribution to the thought process so far is consideration of the following (with enough buffer):

  • Ability to capture energy (Solar Panels) 3,200 (ish) watts (x 10 hours/day) = 30 KWh
  • Ability to store energy (Batteries) 3 x 460Ah x 12.8 volts x (70% utilization) = 12 KWh
  • Energy needs, and usage pattern. . .

So your gating item may be the ability to store energy, depending on your usage pattern, since in the intended design you can generate more than you can store.

Then there are those cloudy days.
Following along and interested to see what you finally come up with.

My contribution to the thought process so far is consideration of the following (with enough buffer):

  • Ability to capture energy (Solar Panels) 3,200 (ish) watts (x 10 hours/day) = 30 KWh
  • Ability to store energy (Batteries) 3 x 460Ah x 12.8 volts x (70% utilization) = 12 KWh
  • Energy needs, and usage pattern. . .

So your gating item may be the ability to store energy, depending on your usage pattern, since in the intended design you can generate more than you can store.

Then there are those cloudy days.
30kwh out of 3.2kwh panels is not realistic unless you like to sail in desert.
For flat mounted panels 10-15 kWh per day in Florida would be possible :)
Comments from a current three year liveaboard.

Get a good generator, you will be using it.
Get a water maker, you will need it.
Put as many solar panels up as you can, without affecting sailing operations, this will be trial and error.
Each solar panel on a sailboat will need its own controller or optimizer. Sailboats have a lot of things in the air in the way. Do not expect full output as you cannot place them at the optimal angle. I have 4.5 kw on my trawler and very rarely see 4 kw.

Inverters on a sailboat, the main spec to look at is zero load power, or the like. If it is not stated it is high. Look victron multiplus II, it's zero load is 15 watts. Now for the EG4 3k, it is 50 watts. So for two of them that is 30 watts vers 100 watts. 30x24=720 watts vers 100x24=2400 watts. The Victron world of equipment is great, and your will pay for it. Don't cheap out.

Now to lifestyle on a boat. Everything comes down to using less of Everything. I started out wanting really an apartment on the water. That is so funny, just get an apartment, it is so much easier. Boats are a huge amount of work. Less clothes, dishes, household stuff. I put a 65 inch tv on my boat, I used it the first year, now it never gets turned on. I use my tablet instead.

Living on a boat means you do not want to live the live you had on land.

Make little and few changes, sail the boat. Make changes over time. First complete everything from the survey. That will teach you all about the systems on the boat.

Have Fun
On the other end of the spectrum, I have ~700W of solar, a 300Ah LFP battery, no generator, and spent 3 years 100% off-grid. It can be done, you just need to know what is needed and what is stuff you just want. Buy a midrange dell gaming laptop for your graphics work. You don't need any other PC's. No A/C. No Watermaker. Cook with propane. Turn off the Starlink when you are not actively using it.
Use that as the baseline. Then look at how much room you have for solar, and add a bit more if you have the space.
Realty is, you will probably not get full rating of the panels unless the sun is directly overhead because most likely you will have the panels flat. Also consider you only really produce energy for a limited number of hours. Maybe 15kWh if you’re lucky. Rigging shadows will basically knock the output out of that panel and anything else in series with it. To combat that issue it’s best to limit how many panels you have in series and strategically plan which ones are connected. This means running more charge controllers and more wires runs. I HIGHLY recommend everything Victron for marine. You are space limited so you need to get the most out of it. I’d definitely consider a 48 volt system with 48 volt batteries like the EG4-WP battery (water proof & Bluetooth) that’s on sale. I’d use DC to DC converters to run your 12 volt needs. keep the isolated AGM starting system separate( dual 12 batteries?) as it is. I would however install a separate 48 volt alternator to charge your inverter batteries while underway. Some alternators are very intuitive and can integrate with victron. Two things will stand out. You will need extreme energy management and it doesn’t come cheap.
Realty is, you will probably not get full rating of the panels unless the sun is directly overhead because most likely you will have the panels flat. Also consider you only really produce energy for a limited number of hours. Maybe 15kWh if you’re lucky. Rigging shadows will basically knock the output out of that panel and anything else in series with it. To combat that issue it’s best to limit how many panels you have in series and strategically plan which ones are connected. This means running more charge controllers and more wires runs. I HIGHLY recommend everything Victron for marine. You are space limited so you need to get the most out of it. I’d definitely consider a 48 volt system with 48 volt batteries like the EG4-WP battery (water proof & Bluetooth) that’s on sale. I’d use DC to DC converters to run your 12 volt needs. keep the isolated AGM starting system separate( dual 12 batteries?) as it is. I would however install a separate 48 volt alternator to charge your inverter batteries while underway. Some alternators are very intuitive and can integrate with victron. Two things will stand out. You will need extreme energy management and it doesn’t come cheap.

There is a rule of thumb (for 12V) that whatever the rating of the panels is in Watts, you will produce 1/3rd of that in Amp hours per day. So, a 100W panels will produce 33Ah in a day. For 12V, it is surprisingly close in most cases. You can apply math to work it out for other voltages from there.