diy solar

diy solar

A huge reason this forum was created

Will Prowse

Forum Owner
Staff member
Sep 19, 2019
36° N 115° W
Story time!

Before I created this forum, I was posting frequently on other solar energy forums, and I was blocked from nearly every single one because I would complain about problems I had with my equipment. Or I would be critical of someone giving bad advice.

I also complained about the ads between every post and how slow their servers were. And made suggestions on the software. This actually got my account deleted on a very popular forum!

After getting banned from nearly every platform, I created this forum. I spent the extra money to get Xenforo (forum software) and tried multiple servers until I found something that worked perfect! (thank you to everyone here who had to deal with the bugs in the beginning! It was a process, but now everything works!)

And now here we are. I really doubt that this forum would exist if the other platforms did not ban me and delete my account. And I hope everyone sees this as a place to say whatever you wish and share evidence of problems to help others :)
Nice work Will.

A lot of forum owners get a god complex and go on power trips because they have a tiny bit of control over people, but not you. You should be proud of what you've created here because it has helped a whole lot of people.

Of course in the chit chat zone here we sometimes beat each other with sticks like monkeys, but it's all good. The main forum dealing with solar is a wealth of good information, and that's because of you.
I got banned a lot too. Sorry but registered here to say things to a few ppl that seemed to act as one in squashing anyone that had a different view. I don't like bullies. Makes me want to bully the bullies. ? thanks for the free speech.... someone did ban me here though... I kinda expect to see others done the same. If fair is fair. Btw Africa has more then just black ppl in it. That was one of the listed reasons for banning me 2-3 days.
I watched this forum for over a year. Same basic ppl were ruling the roost..... getting to say act like they pleased. Just my add.

one of them is brown nosing you
I got banned a lot too. Sorry but registered here to say things to a few ppl that seemed to act as one in squashing anyone that had a different view. I don't like bullies. Makes me want to bully the bullies. ? thanks for the free speech.... someone did ban me here though... I kinda expect to see others done the same. If fair is fair. Btw Africa has more then just black ppl in it. That was one of the listed reasons for banning me 2-3 days.
I watched this forum for over a year. Same basic ppl were ruling the roost..... getting to say act like they pleased. Just my add.

one of them is brown nosing you
Sometimes the mods and frequent posters here disagree with me. And that is totally ok. Sometimes I will have the final say, or another mod will. Really depends on what it is.

Or if multiple users complain, I will act on it even if I do not want to. This forum is for the people, even when I disagree. Trying to keep an open mind.

There are some things that I have to enforce when many do not want me to, but it will always be in the best interest of the community. For example, the group buy section. I had a lot of push back, but I had to put a stop to it. And so far that turned out to be a fantastic move! (unless you guys disagree, please let me know)
Sometimes the mods and frequent posters here disagree with me. And that is totally ok. Sometimes I will have the final say, or another mod will. Really depends on what it is.

Or if multiple users complain, I will act on it even if I do not want to. This forum is for the people, even when I disagree. Trying to keep an open mind.

There are some things that I have to enforce when many do not want me to, but it will always be in the best interest of the community. For example, the group buy section. I had a lot of push back, but I had to put a stop to it. And so far that turned out to be a fantastic move! (unless you guys disagree, please let me know)
Long ... don't like do long post because usually gives ppl more ammo.

I buy my stuff independent of others... use internet to save-repay cost of provider fees - when get my best deals. I have normally never got in on good group deals. So the forum you deleted matters not to me.

Oh and have no doubt, I pushed it for the ban to see how far could go. It was my own doing as well..... like a child testing their parents for authority. Learn boundaries to which expect everyone to be held afterwords. It was like the wild west before me.
I am not a brown noser. Don't have to be. ??

Just some advice when ppl complain might want to check vpn and or see if they are running in same wolf pack...I am not hiding on here or posing as someone else which has been an accusation.... .. Also hate to see ppl form wolf packs like they did on Twitter to gain control- seen that here with about 3-4 ppl. The control groups on twitter were by design bought and paid for by a political group. The democrats in particular under Soros hired and paid ppl to squash free speech and political voting. Soros threatened to take Fakebook from Zuckerberg over election sway ....documented in news media. My nephew a blm antifa member is an admitted communist and paid troll or was until he graduated from college with his teaching degree. Same ol same ol complainer for his wages now from poor college decision - graduate dope smoker. Don't recommend him for teaching anyone's kids. It is common for blm antifa to have or had teacher like govt jobs..... just an observation.

the brown noser supports ukraine then we find out his wife is ukraine.. he calls ppl conspiracy theorist along with host of other derogative names .... he has "triple faraday cages, prepped for enough .last decade off grid away from society, and plans dig hole under ground. Everyone else is a nutter...... communist russian troll" haha sorry but have to laugh .... he married a former communist product from Ukraine. Don't get me wrong anyone that broke free from communism never wants to go back or so it seems. Why democrats don't want those refugees that escape from communist countries..... they vote for republicans. Just my observations.

Again like a good pet he brown noses. He is seeking protection Too and acting he "didn't do nuffin." I watched ppl do that in work place for years when working - before retiring. They see the boss and jump under the brown nose... usually the sorry workers. That is how they got by.... and kept their jobs. As you can tell I don't like him much if at all. ??
I know you are probably busy with a lot more then this but someday maybe you can retire. ????????? maybe not though is you have seen our debt to gdp upside down balance. We got robbed.

I'm just visiting and not looking for a home - already have oodles of electrical experience. My favorite forum here is: Up in Smoke. A lot can be learned by and from failures. I keep waiting to see ac voltage feed back into batteries from smart panels aio some what like we had on locomotives. With a bms in batteries it ought to be interesting. G.E. And EMD locomotive used a lot of made in China - junk parts too. Funny thing when moved parts production to china the prices went up even more. Imagine that.

I have also seen a lot of Merchant Patriots (grifters) ...over the years. They are every where On youtube and other video websites. My politics is usually in the middle.... with a sway to which ever side seems best and notice things that neither far left or far right sides might. My tendency is making both sides mad so middle of the road means run over by both sides. ?
..... I put up and ran my own forums over the past years just for the reasons you have stated. Freedom They are expensive so not recommended unless making a return over a long run with at least enough to keep the lights on.
That's my basic story. This is your forum do as you must. They were picking on Bob and have completely run other forum contributors off this platform. Just observations.

oh and anyone that has a problem with me and bothered Will or Other Admin with your complaints should speak up. I am right here.

just my little 2 cents. Thanks for listening - reading.
Suggestion if you, Will .... ? why not sticky your first post at top of this forum with none of our follow up post? No responses allowed.
Suggestion if you, Will .... ? why not sticky your first post at top of this forum with none of our follow up post? No responses allowed.
Brown noser IMO is a super tool, but has that right in this unmoderated section. I see no reason to believe he isnt what he appears, a hypocritical petty man child pretending to be here for progressive discourse but instead intent on a political agenda, squashing any opinion not lockstep with his own.
Again thats his right, if I dont like it I can abstain from the site out of sheer disgust.
Which I largely- no, absolutely have.

FYI Zuckerberg and his peers in that party corrupted the 2020 election, dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Theres documented proof, even tho most of the media is silent or worse.

MAGA, hard to see that happening with the current clowns
Brown noser IMO is a super tool, but has that right in this unmoderated section. I see no reason to believe he isnt what he appears, a hypocritical petty man child pretending to be here for progressive discourse but instead intent on a political agenda, squashing any opinion not lockstep with his own.
Again thats his right, if I dont like it I can abstain from the site out of sheer disgust.
Which I largely- no, absolutely have.

FYI Zuckerberg and his peers in that party corrupted the 2020 election, dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Theres documented proof, even tho most of the media is silent or worse.

MAGA, hard to see that happening with the current clowns
I'm aware he spent around $$$$$$$ 1/2 Billion Dollars making it happen. Big Crime Daddy Soros made Zuckerberg repent and spend some money... or else lose his Fakebook. Well documented and the money went to a democratic win. Imagine a government in a country like the USA so poor that we can't support an election vote count for the President of the USA. We are suppose to be top dog.... head of the food chain but need influencing money from billionaires to finance the vote count in so many States.. Hmm we are to corrupt and are openly headed by criminals. Not salvageable in my opinion. They left their gangs of old and joined the government.

With our debt to gdp it will disassemble itself. They have really squeezed the juice out of it since 9-11.... mission almost accomplished.

We have slipped below the grade of recovery with up side down sway.... shame of it all is the openness to which this crime has been committed and allowed. Ppl sit around going yeah it is bad but ........ here is $5 trillion dollars for Covid-19 not even a kiss. Trump the generous did say "Nancy give them some money too...... " Like nero saying throw those starving ppl some bread before we feed them to the lions.

why does presidential election cost over $1 billion dollars for a job that is suppose to only pay ~$450,000 a year?
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Or I would be critical of someone giving bad advice.

I also complained about the ads between every post and how slow their servers were. And made suggestions on the software. This actually got my account deleted on a very popular forum!

After getting banned from nearly every platform
Wow, can I relate to that... I'm banned from or have left every gold prospecting/detecting forum, some I've been on for over 20 years for the exact same reason, because I speak my mind, as you saw today.

I for one would like to thank you @Will Prowse for being fair in your dealing with issues, not being quick to judge or ban, and your unbiased treatment of everyone, it's a nice change from most forums and was the only reason I accepted the offer to become a moderator a while back when asked, cus you're fair and not a power tripper.

This is an example of how this forum gets blown up sometimes….. I made a comment and then it went postal by someone else. Sorry jennifer

This is an example of how this forum gets blown up sometimes….. I made a comment and then it went postal by someone else. Sorry jennifer

Don't apologize, your comment adds value to my posting, what others do is not your responsibility, don't own their immaturity... always post on my posts as if they were your own, I value your input. :)
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It's tough to make "group buy" work in such a geographically dispersed group. I didn't realize that it was removed, but I guess that means I didn't really need it anyway. I'm in for the technical info and experience/discussion posts.
Yup, I can relate with what @Will Prowse says too. I've not actually been banned from other sites (yet) but I've been made to feel rather "less than welcome" shall we say. I simply stop posting and have done with it. It's a shame really because there's some really great stuff and people out there but it's spoiled by a minority who have their heads so far up they can see daylight!

This forum seems to have a pretty well balanced (mostly not totally crazy) membership and it helps that we all, generally, have the same aim. There are the occasional crazies that pop up but they do tend to vanish as rapidly as they appear.

I moderate another forum which is much more general than simply solar (or even technology) and, frankly, it's sometimes a thankless task, I've never actually had a death-threat (other mods have) but I've received some very, er, "pointed" PMs.

Keep it up Will!
I have appreciated the useful information I've found here. Come across a few others, but only enough to try to extract a more specialized bit of info from searches.

On the group buy, the main issue is trust and what happens when something goes wrong. It should work well enough among people who already know each other, but bringing people together on the internet for it is asking for trouble if something goes wrong outside the control of the coordinator.
From what I can gather, you have a unique gift of integrity, forthrightness, and attention to detail. Thanks to your gumption I have benefited greatly. Thank you for this resource and for your videos.
Story time!

Before I created this forum, I was posting frequently on other solar energy forums, and I was blocked from nearly every single one because I would complain about problems I had with my equipment. Or I would be critical of someone giving bad advice.

I also complained about the ads between every post and how slow their servers were. And made suggestions on the software. This actually got my account deleted on a very popular forum!

After getting banned from nearly every platform, I created this forum. I spent the extra money to get Xenforo (forum software) and tried multiple servers until I found something that worked perfect! (thank you to everyone here who had to deal with the bugs in the beginning! It was a process, but now everything works!)

And now here we are. I really doubt that this forum would exist if the other platforms did not ban me and delete my account. And I hope everyone sees this as a place to say whatever you wish and share evidence of problems to help others :)
I rarely drop into the Chit chat section since I mostly bring up "What's new" posts and this Forum is not included there. I will say I enjoy the Solar Forum and my thanks to you Will Prowse for setting it up and establishing it as it is.
Is all the political/personal/interpersonal turmoil that Ive just browsed through in this thread really a necessary part of giving and receiving advice about solar and electronics? Ive seen a few folk get snippy with each other on occassion during my brief membership here, so far but didnt realize just how thick and mucky the waters could get in here until I stumbled on this thread just now.
I probably shouldnt have commented at all. Was just a little shocked at some of what I read. Not shocked by its content since one can find the same sort of vitriol all over the net these days. Just a bit shocked that some folk would find it necessary to post it here in this forum. I thought this forum was about giving and receiving help/advice with all things solar/electrical. Then again, Im fairly new to the forum so perhaps I misunderstand its total purpose.
I probably shouldnt have commented at all. Was just a little shocked at some of what I read. Not shocked by its content since one can find the same sort of vitriol all over the net these days. Just a bit shocked that some folk would find it necessary to post it here in this forum. I thought this forum was about giving and receiving help/advice with all things solar/electrical. Then again, Im fairly new to the forum so perhaps I misunderstand its total purpose.
Did you read Will’s post defining this particular forum?
If you don’t like a channel on tv do you sit there and watch it or change the channel?

Friend what did you find for a total forum count at this web address? Was it around 53 forums total