diy solar

diy solar

alte out of business?

I sent a message to alte on their facebook page April 22 and I just received a reply this morning.

"Hi , I'm so sorry, but altE was abruptly shutdown. Fortunately, the company's assets have been acquired by a very capable renewable energy product and service company, GoGreenSolar. We expect the company will resume altE's full operations in the weeks to come."
That's good news
Tried calling recently and the number redirected to someone at Unbound solar. 2 out of my 8 HLX+3600 batteries are failing and they’re not even 3 yrs old yet, with very moderate use.

Unbound said they can’t do anything to honor the warranty. I’m searching for recourse especially if they were purchased by Unbound, there has to be some element of inherited liabilities.

What they said was:
“We are doing lots of things to help and support altE costumers but we are not manufacturing or selling KV and not in a position to handle their warranty issues. Best we could do is give you a great deal on replacements”

Tried calling recently and the number redirected to someone at Unbound solar. 2 out of my 8 HLX+3600 batteries are failing and they’re not even 3 yrs old yet, with very moderate use.

Unbound said they can’t do anything to honor the warranty. I’m searching for recourse especially if they were purchased by Unbound, there has to be some element of inherited liabilities.

What they said was:
“We are doing lots of things to help and support altE costumers but we are not manufacturing or selling KV and not in a position to handle their warranty issues. Best we could do is give you a great deal on replacements”

Doesn't look good, someone on Reddit two months ago:

This post is for AEE Solar in California, not Alt-E. But they also went out of business.

The landscape is changing, and companies are being forced to adapt or be left behind. I speak from experience.
Adapt in what ways?

Not trying to be smartass just curious.

Never been in this business and was wondering what has changed?
I think the future will basically be manufacturers selling directly to customers like Tesla does with cars, no more margins for middlemen or very little. I remember working for a perfume store that closed up shop 8 years ago, basically the supplier that we were buying form started his own website and selling for same or less than we could buy it. Eventually even the supplier went belly up as the manufacturer started selling direct and still does to this day.

We can draw parallels between EVE's official alibaba page which lists cells for less than any of the resellers :unsure:
PC market went that same way years ago.

If you wanted IBM or Apple had to buy them through channel partner like Tech Data or Ingram Micro.

Then they suddenly started selling direct.
Killed a lot of resellers.