diy solar

diy solar

Anyone in the Sierras? Looks to be quite the storm coming!

Watts Happening

I call it like I see it.
May 3, 2022

Just wondering if any of the members are getting ready for this 'large' storm to hit, we're in Reno and the news ranges from inches to feet of snow with upwards of 70mph of wind. Power company and internet providers have both sent e-mails stating near expectations of an interruption of service. It's not a big concern to me, but I imagine those in the upper elevations or with an incomplete power system could be a bit more worried.

It feels good knowing we have a redundant system in place, thankful to not be worried in these scenarios.
I just drove from Northern California to Southern California on Interstate 5 and it was clear all the way over the Tejon Pass. It was drizzling when I left Sonoma County but cleared up by Concord.