diy solar

diy solar

Can passive balancing act continuously in a nearly SOC neutral float state?


Anti-Solar Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2022
Santa Cruz, California
I'm trying to better grasp the passive balancing concept. I think I've got that it occurs by placing tiny resistive loads on individual cells.

I know that passive balancing is only advisable above a certain voltage level, where it can accurately reflect differences in cell SOC's.

What I'm wondering is if it can only occur in a total pack SOC charging state, i.e. while you are running up from 80% to 100% pack SOC.

Or, can you be floating at near 100% SOC, with say 14/16 cells not receiving any charge because the charge current is negated by the balance load, and only the 2/16 cells are receiving a net charge.

More simply, is passive balancing a window of opportunity during the runup or is it a continuous process that can go on indefinitely at the top of the charge until all cells are topped up?
I'm going to attempt to be puritan and run my 300ah pack with only 150mA passive balancing current. So I'll have to try and firmly grasp it in order to make a full attempt before giving up and going active.

More simply, is passive balancing a window of opportunity during the runup or is it a continuous process that can go on indefinitely at the top of the charge until all cells are topped up?
The latter based off my understanding and experience. I've floated packs for an extended period to bring them back into balance. Holding them at at 55.2V for about a day resulted in a significant improvement in cell delta. Obviously you need to have balancing enabled at a cell voltage that will be attained with your set float voltage.