diy solar

diy solar

Cold fusion

Fusion has been a dream of the Lyndon Larouche crowd (way before the time of most of you) since the 1960s. All you need to do is split the atoms of water and BANG! Free power forever! Except there's no way to get more than an infinitesimal fraction of the energy out that's necessary to put in.

There's always the conspiracy side of Stuff THEY Won't Let You See. Check out the Fish carburetor of the 1950s, et al. This is just another scam.
The fact that 10 kW comes out but very little goes in screams scam. Unless this thing is connected to a gas line, it's bunk.
They have been working for commercial viability for like 30 years. The only progress I can see is his rug looks quite luxurious.

Rather than presenting results, they are releasing videos as to why there's yet another delay.

This is just complete and total bullshit.

Claims of conspiracies to suppress are just a means of maintaining the illusion of viability.

Remember... patents don't mean shit. There are patents on perpetual motion machines.