diy solar

diy solar

Daly 14S 150A separate port BMS


New Member
Apr 10, 2020
Hey folks,
I'm eyeing this BMS (the 150A separate port) for a 48V, >6kWh bank that I'm planning to build. I was wondering if any of you have used them, and if so, what your experience has been? It's for a 125A load, is the rated 150A going to be enough, or should I assume that they inflated their ratings and get a 200A or 250A?

Also I'm trying to figure out what sort of lug connector fits on these terminals. It looks like some sort of two-hole connector would fit there, but the AliExpress listing doesn't say anything about the spacing between the holes, or the stud size. I also asked their support and they seem unable to answer this simple question, which isn't reassuring.
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Its pretty universally accepted around here that the 'straight from China' type BMS's like the Daly have inflated numbers. Different people have different rules of thumb, with the Daly I've heard people say anywhere from 50% to 80% of the rated current is what they think of as a safe number for continuous current.

Daly is a pretty well regarded BMS as far as cheap basic BMS' go, but I wouldn't push it to its limit especially if you live in a warmer climate or the BMS will be in a warm area.
Model: DL14S (3.7V rated Li-ION Battery not for 3.2V Rated LiFePO4)