diy solar

diy solar

DEYE - Charging the battery at certain times


New Member
Aug 18, 2022
Hi everyone.
I have some problem with setting up my deye inverter. Maybe I will give an example of what I want to achieve, it will be easier that way. I have already looked everywhere for a solution but have not found one.

1. selling energy from panels from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. (no battery charging).
2. charging the batteries from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excess energy from the panels sells
3. selling energy from the panels from 4 pm to 7 pm (without discharging the batteries )
4. from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. securing home from batteries (without selling energy)

As we all know Deye has a hard rule, the electricity from the panels always flows according to the logic battery/home/sale or home/battery/sale. With the setting of selling first, unfortunately, it discharges the batteries to a certain level with "time of use".

Why do I want to do it this way? In my country, I get paid the most for energy in the morning and afternoon.

Thanks for your tips!
you are going to need to use time of use as you said.
your battery will always be charged first, no way around that .

what you may be able to do is change the sustem mode from zero export to no battery, but that cannot be done without external software like home assistant for instance
This does not meet my expectations! Please read my assumptions carefully.
Thanks for the reply. You edited the previous post, I read it as there was only one sentence.
Thanks for the reply. You edited the previous post, I read it as there was only one sentence.
hmm sorry about that , guess you jumped a bit too fast.

anyway , look into home assistant in combination with solar assistant.
that allows me to do much more automation through mqtt and node red
Hi, thanks for suggesting the idea. I already have full automatic control of my deye. Automatic mode change depending on house demand or battery level. Selling electricity at specific times. All based on ESPHOME (ESP32) and TTL RS485. Two days of work but it worked.
would be interesting to a lot of folks if you would share a write up of your solution in the resources section... or here
Hi, thanks for suggesting the idea. I already have full automatic control of my deye. Automatic mode change depending on house demand or battery level. Selling electricity at specific times. All based on ESPHOME (ESP32) and TTL RS485. Two days of work but it worked.
sounds really interesting. Please let us know more details of your solution to communicate with DEYE by ESP32.
Thanks, Peter