diy solar

diy solar

EcoFlow Smart Home panel error

Hello! Excuse me for my language, English is not my native one.

I received my SHP combo (with 13 relays), hooked everything up end encountered an error: 5 out of 10 relays were red,
in application I found an error like "relay is not plugged in" for all of those 5 red relays.
Because of complicated logistics and the fact that everything was connected and mounted
I was not eager to unmount it and send back to seller.

I started to google for this error and found this forum and a few quite similar posts over the internet.
While reading carefully I realized that there is a chance that the problem is purely mechanical,
like relay circuit is broken at some place.
Initially I played with replacing relays and found that their position affects somehow if it's working or not.
Then I decided to disassemble SHP and examine its motherboard and contact plates - everything looked good.
Then I started to tilt relays and found out that tilting it to the right makes almost all of them flashing red,
and in opposite, to the left - everything comes to normal, they began to work.
It became obvious to me that the electrical contact responsible for determining if relay is plugged
in is located on the left side of relay's contacts plate.
I fully inserted one of the relays and took a mirror to look underneath how deeply it is inserted and observed
that it has some remaining height on contacts plate, also I noticed that there are scratches on all contacts
except the really short one.

I decided to check my assumption on one of the relays that was giving me the error.
I took the file (rasp) and removed about 1 mm of contacts plate bottom part.
It took me a few minutes. Then I inserted it - and voila, issue was gone, everything was working perfectly!
I "fixed" all relays this way and it worked for all of them.

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Now my SHP is working for the fourth day in a row without a single issue.
If you are brave enough: consider my approach, of course all responsibility is yours :)

Result (green light - is a circuit feed from the battery):

View attachment 167280

P.S. a small update on this post, I bought one new relay and it definitely differs from what came in SHP combo

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Thank You Very Much! I have had the dreaded RED light when I reinstalled my replacement SHP and was able to make it work by pressing the relays. Since then I have checked all the Relays and found several that have the short terminal pin.
We just had an electrician working with us for 2 days to install our Ecoflow Smart Panel + 2 Pro Batteries.
1) The smart panel board shipped to us appears faulty. We saw many of the issues outlined in the above posts and tried for hours to swap relays - to watch the red lights come and go randomly. We realized that it was completely random after tracking what we were doing and so opted to press, at first gently, and them progressively with more force, on the faulty relays.
2) The issue appears to be that the relays are not actually making a connection when attaching to the board due to faulty manufacturing. Either the relay's electronic leads are too short or the board is too thick.
3) The only way to temporarily resolve the issue is to press on the relays (and yes, before we're told to screw them in - we did). When you press on the relays, sometimes with significant pressure, you can make the red error light go away, temporarily.
4) DON'T LET ECOFLOW CONVINCE YOU - this is most like a board or complete manufacturing error. The reason I say this is I had purchased additional relays separately - a completely different batch, produced at a completely different time - and they too don't work on this board.
5) If others are experiencing this issue - likely good to post here and start calling Ecoflow as it would appear they have a pretty major manufacturing defect on their hands.
As an update - Ecoflow replaced all of our relays after too many back and forths. They sent used relays (old ones) more than once - it was painful. While the new relays helped solve problem 1 (ie the relays now work) it exposed another massive issue that we are STILL attempting to resolve.

The batteries now
1) drain extremely quickly (ie their output is nowhere near the charge required (input) and they lose 50% of their charge just sitting on the ground - if not more). This has been clearly documented whereby 25.68 kWh of charge (3 charges x 2 batteries) yields only 11.23 kWh of output! The power just disappears as if it’s being grounded!
2) Draws that are nowhere near max load, cause the batteries to overload and error (ie 2900w draws measured by an electrician shut the batteries down even though they’re rated for ~4500w max)!

Either the batteries are bad OR the smart panel has a bad connection or relay and power is leaking from the battery to the circuits and being grounded?!?

We’re still working this through with Ecoflow - we installed this system in Early May :(. Ecoflow is sending replacement batteries now even though I believe the smart panel is actually broken with a manufacturing fault.

Will post if we ever get this system working - but for now, sadly solving these continuous ongoing issues continues to consume time and not deliver! Ecoflow tends to be responsive after I call in but it takes hours of time each time I need to diagnose and problem solve each new issue.

If you have similar issues - please post/share. If you haven’t tested your input charge vs output capacity - please do! Are all smart panels having this issue?
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Hello I am currently having some issues with my SHP too. I have all good across the lights and everything looks like it should work. (HAVE 2 Delta Pros connected to panel) My problem is when I try to use battery power it either errors out saying replace relay, or it turns off that circuit and leaves power off until I return to use grid power. Like most everyone I am waiting on Echoflow to respond. Any ideas on what I could do.
Similar issue here. I have 2 Delta Pros, and the Smart Home Panel. We'll ignore the solar panel as it's not an issue at this point. I installed everything per book. My panel is always in error (red light), and the app shows error 106, which tech support says is a split phase issue. My set is, I am trying to power (1) 240 circuit; a double pole 30A breaker in my main panel for a well pump. I install 30A relays into slots 1&2. I also have a total of 5 other 120 circuits wired. My double pole circuit will not work. We recently had a power outage. I plugged 1 pro into phase 1, and the single pole circuits on that phase worked perfectly. I moved that plug to phase 2, and those circuits worked perfectly. When both units are installed, if it goes into battery mode, all panel lights turn green but I lose all power to the circuits. Electrical test passed. Ecoflow support WAS terrific. I had a tech who emailed me daily with things to test. I would send him my results, and the next day I have a reply. Eventually, they decided to replace my SHP. They shipped my a new panel (no new relays though). I swapped out the panels, double checked everything, electrical test passes, but the end result is the same. Now, after 3 days, I can't get a reply from Ecoflow. Getting frustrated, as we all know how much money we spent on these systems. Any other suggestions or help is always welcome.
Forgot to mention:
1) my Delta Pros don't charge through the system, but they are supposed to.
2) Just for fun; when I had a power outage, the single phase worked fine. I just went to the app (currently have grid power), and switched one of the circuits to battery, and the green light turned on but lost power to that circuit, so it seems to work when the grid is down but not when I try to use the battery ILO the grid. Not sure about the 2 phase as I brought one of the pros in the house when we were out so I didn't test the full function at that time.

Update: After much testing of every wire and every circuit, I found that I had an error on relay 10. When I moved that wiring to unused relay 9, everything worked, so now, I am operating as intended w/ 2 Delta Pros, and 1 smart home panel. I have 1 circuit running on 240, and everything else running on 110 with zero issues.
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I decided to check my assumption on one of the relays that was giving me the error.
I took the file (rasp) and removed about 1 mm of contacts plate bottom part.
It took me a few minutes. Then I inserted it - and voila, issue was gone, everything was working perfectly!
I "fixed" all relays this way and it worked for all of them.

View attachment 167277
I had the same issue. Initially 5 relays had "Relay not plugged in" error. After half an hour of trying to swap the relays, I still had 3 with the error. Then I found this post and it saved the day. Actually, it turned out, you don't really need to use a file, since the old AMD Athlon pencil trick works. I took a sharp pencil and drew the contact longer. Multimeter showed 3kΩ resistance between the contact and the graphite and this was enough to get all relays working on the first try.

Greetings! This thread has helped me to stop questioning my sanity! Thank you!
I too was guilty of playing whack-a-mole with EcoFlow SHP relays. Here is my story:

1) On 11/21/2023, a licensed electrician installed the SHP in single phase mode. Swapping relays did not identify a faulty relay but re-energizing the SHP resulted in an additional relay in the error state,

2) On 12/13/2023, the area supervisor re-wired the SHP including 2 relays which had been purposely left unconnected in the main panel. Unfortunately, the number of faults jumped from 3 to 7.

3) After discovering this thread, I carefully re-seated the relays and currently (excuse the pun) the relays with errors are 1, 4, and 10

4) EcoFlow phone support acknowledges the short contact problem (Thank you jemcik!), however, Qiaobei from next level email support is slow walking the solution. I suspect inventory does not cover demand and Qiaobei’s insistence that the faulty SHP be connected to the cloud is a stalling tactic. Would anyone leave a faulty toaster plugged in! Good grief, EcoFlow!


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