diy solar

diy solar

Eg4 6000xp pv inputs


New Member
Mar 19, 2024
New to solar. But I've been researching alot. So I may not have all the terms correct but I will try to ask my question so I makes sense. I just ordered a 6000xp. I'll be installing it next week.

Right now I have 20- 100 watt panels ran with 10 and 10 in series and then paralleled to about 250v. I plan on getting more panels, and probably larger ones.
My question is if I put what I have in PV1 at roughly 250v 2k watts.
Can I get totally different brand wattage of other solar panels and be ok on pv2? Example 8- 400 watt panels at 300v (just tossing out an example). Will this pull these panels down and back feed pv1? I guess bottom line is can I have a much different setup on pv2 without effecting one another?

I'm doing my best to research but figure I'll have some questions. Thanks for any help.
I assume you mean the 2 MPPT's when you say PV1 & PV2 ... if so, they are separate and control individually
New to solar. But I've been researching alot. So I may not have all the terms correct but I will try to ask my question so I makes sense. I just ordered a 6000xp. I'll be installing it next week.

Right now I have 20- 100 watt panels ran with 10 and 10 in series and then paralleled to about 250v. I plan on getting more panels, and probably larger ones.
My question is if I put what I have in PV1 at roughly 250v 2k watts.
Can I get totally different brand wattage of other solar panels and be ok on pv2? Example 8- 400 watt panels at 300v (just tossing out an example). Will this pull these panels down and back feed pv1? I guess bottom line is can I have a much different setup on pv2 without effecting one another?

I'm doing my best to research but figure I'll have some questions. Thanks for any help.

I would not recommend mixing panels within the array. However, with the first array going to MPPT 1 and the second array going to MPPT 2, this would be fine. I would keep in mind that the 6000XP has a max input of 480VOC, max input of 25A, and a minimum operation voltage of 120V.
I would not recommend mixing panels within the array. However, with the first array going to MPPT 1 and the second array going to MPPT 2, this would be fine. I would keep in mind that the 6000XP has a max input of 480VOC, max input of 25A, and a minimum operation voltage of 120V.
Yes. I was referring to the mppt 1 and 2. For max voc. Would I need to add both mppt voc together for the total?