diy solar

diy solar

Explain? 190% Quantum efficiency in solar panels???

Wits' End

Old guy, wanting to learn new tricks.
Mar 14, 2021
North Shore of Lake Superior's northwoods
I accept/understand 400% efficiency for heat pumps.
I understand that a lot of various wavelengths of light hit solar panels.
Despite the cruelty, I understand you have to open the box to see if the cat is alive :fp2

I went through this article several times. Looked at other information, online. I'm just not getting this. Any help with the science?
AND what decade can I get these panels?🎅🏼
"In traditional solar cells, the maximum EQE is 100%, representing the generation and collection of one electron for each photon absorbed from sunlight. Some advanced materials and configurations developed over the past several years have demonstrated the capability of generating and collecting more than one electron from high-energy photons, representing an EQE of over 100%."

However, reading the journal article, it appears the results are based entirely on a computer model.
Looks to me that best changes for this to work are materials with low bandgap energy. Thus you have lots of electrons that have excess energy that can still "somehow" create extra electrons.

Downside of low bandgap material would be that it produces lower voltage.
200% QHE is not any good if it requires material with 0.5 eV bandgap or the optimum wavelength would be UV-C.