diy solar

diy solar

Gravatar Not Working


Staff member
Apr 24, 2020
Somewhere South of Denver
I noticed that in the past couple of days my avatar, which is sourced from Gravatar, is not displaying. I logged into my Gravatar account and it's active and has the correct image. Any idea what's going on?
Ghostery's default rules were blocking gravatar for me. Might be worth checking browser extensions etc. Open the brower's console (F12 perhaps), force refresh this page and see if gravatar is being blocked.
I turned off AdBlock Plus for this entire site. That didn't help. I also white listed and Still no help. I do see that access to the gravatar site is being blocked by the client, but I'm not sure what part of the client. That's in Chrome.

In MS Edge, the avatar renders correctly. So it's not an O/S or router problem.

I added the forum's URL and the gravatar URL to Chrome's list of sites that allow third party cookies.

Chrome updated a couple days ago. Coincidence?
Open Chrome's console, go to the network tab, then force refresh the page and see if gravtar is being blocked. I use Firefox (with ghostery) and Chromium under linux. Chromium doesn't block gravatar, but who knows what lurks in Chrome.
I kept digging and thinking of what changed. I had installed a trial version of BitDefender recently. I disabled that and all is well now. Switching to a new anti-virus tool is going to suck.
I can't figure out how to configure BitDefender at all. It's supposed to be a 30 day trial but as soon as I installed it, I got a notice that my trial had ended. That's a big WTF?