diy solar

diy solar

Growatt exporting when I don’t want it to!


New Member
Dec 9, 2023
Hi All,

I have been searching for ages and cannot work out how to manage this.

I have a Growatt inverter, solar array and batteries.

I am trying to stop the system exporting energy from the batteries to the grid during the day, but I simply cannot seem to get it to not export some energy.

I have turned all 3 modes off, I have turned Load First, no discharge on and I have gone into advanced settings, changed “Register” to 201 and “Value” to 1 as I found something that suggested this would prohibit export… but it’s still doing it. And it’s driving me crazy.

Am I being really thick and missing something obvious?

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Model number? User manual would be nice.

Are the CT on the correct leg and point the correct direction?
Sorry, it the:

Growatt SPA3000TL AC-coupled Controller​

Yes, the CT clamps are correct, it’s all working, it’s just that it keeps exporting 0.1-0.5 kw. When it’s sunny it exports fine, overnight the grid happily charges the battery on the cheap rate… everything is fine, except it won’t stop exporting just a little from the battery… which over the course of the day means the battery drains before it should, meaning I’m them onto the grid as it gets dark at 4pm ish at the moment.


Hi... sounds like a CT clamp issue, which can (it seems) be resolved using a dedicated meter. See here...
and also this thread...
Have you adjusted the CT off set?
(y)if that's possible on the growatt... see
(y)if that's possible on the growatt... see
Why do I need to see. It's not my problem. ?
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