diy solar

diy solar

Indoor or outdoor battery location


New Member
Aug 6, 2022
I am in the process of adding a server rack type of battery bank (probably SOK) and a generator to my existing grid tied system (Sol-Ark 15K and 8.2 KW of Sunpower panels on a ground mount). Due to the location of the two breaker boxes in the finish basement the inverter had to be placed on the outside of the house and the only locations for the batteries are in some sort of an outdoor structure or in the mechanical space in the basement. The outdoor option would radically simplify the install and shorten the required cables, but gets into concerns about the hot/cold temps and humidity (I live in Kansas, we see as high/low of 105* and -15/-20*). The basement issue is primarily that the batteries will be 60 feet from the inverter making the cables very pricey (if I am doing the math correctly I would need two parallel runs of 3/0?). I would appreciate any opinions the group may have to offer and any suggestions for where to look for the battery cables.
suggestions for where to look for the battery cables
WindyNation on Amazoneum
concerns about the hot/cold temps and humidity (I live in Kansas, we see as high/low of 105* and -15/-20*)
that answers the question.
60 feet from the inverter
Put the inverter at the batteries and pipe the 120VAC to the panel. Low losses that way. Pipe the solar panels (high voltage as well so less loss over distance versus 12/24V) to the inverter.